Julius Skrrvin
I be winkin' through the scope
I'm not eating no bloody steak. period.
I don't like to eat any cooked food in which the blood is present.
I don't like my steak well done but I'nm sure as hell not eating it rare.
No Steak Sauce? What the hell are ya'll putting on your steak?
like its been said 100 times in the thread there is typically no blood in a steak. nor any significant fear of disease or pathogens.
since you eat steak well done, you have no way of knowing that a good steak requires no sauces or overpowering seasonings. The whole deal is usually perfect seasoned w/ a little salt and pepper (sometimes i throw in some garlic powder cause im a garlic freak) and a pat of butter on top.
If you get a piff steak at a restaurant most people will look at you on some because you're fukkin up the taste.