If You Have Mixed Kids After 2016 Then You're An Idiot.


May 20, 2012
we are not talking about europe, we are not talking africa, we are talking about whites and blacks in the united states. the one drop rule was created to structure the white race and keep white wealth in white families and communities. this is something you silly nikkas ever understand, as you take your wealth and resources to non-black women.

you just said race has nothing to do with skin color and everything to do with shyt like frizzy hair and facial structure :dame: tell me what the average biracial looks like? is halle berry the average biracial? what about her daughters? are they black as well?

you don't have to write anything about women. i've been here long enough to know one drop rulers always gotta agenda tied to self interest. either they have a white or mixed girl, biracial kids, or a non-black parent.
No offense but, if black people think like you, we are up shyts creek:mjcry:

1-I just posted that, and explained why separating from biracial people hurts us, and helps whites, with South Africa as an example, so why would you post it again? WTH:what:
2-This was my exact quote:
Secondly, skin tone is not the major thing that makes you "black", its hair, body and facial structure, which is more important. Ice-T is a prime example of that.

And Halle Berry looks more black then white. I don't know how her hair is naturally, and I don't care, I'm looking at her face, and you know damn well she is basically a different version of what is seen as black, but still black, stop with the games:ohlawd:

And her daughters are with a white man, so what the hell is your point? If she was "pure" black, the same thing can happen based on her lifestyle. Garcelle Beauvais children is proof of this. She is Haitain with children who look like they have VERY LITTLE black in them, but if you understand how the body works, you would understand her diet was probably lacking in carbs, she was stressed out when she had the children in her belly, and that means low tyrosine which makes melanin, or she sat inside a lot, and didn't get much sunlight or all three. As a matter of fact, Halle Berry's son look more black(very little still) then Garcelle Beauvais's children, so you just helped me prove my point. There is nothing spooky about it:sas1:

I don't have none of those, unless you go back to someone I never met. I just like the truth, and science helps me find it, not spookism, and fear. In order to defeat my enemy, I have to learn his game, and use his rules against him. You should do the same:ufdup:


Aug 29, 2014
You know what they gonna say. "Your great, great, grandma was white, so you mixed":wtb:

Until you say, "Yeah, I'm mixed":obama:

Then it's "you aint nothing but a ****** when the cops pull you over":pacspit:

These people are the white supremacists tool because they don't think logically, just emotionally, and that is easy to manipulate:ld:
Well I wish I could post up my family up here. My mom has 8 brothers and sisters. All ranging from Wesley Snipes to Tisha Campbell in Complexion. I get what they are saying. They just want to preserve black people becuase we are witnessing black gencide in America. But Biracial people have been in the black community for 400 years and that is fact. There were more biracial people in the 1800s then now. Plus mulattos where classified as a separate group up until 1940. Yep its true. Also some these people who are brown skin aren't as black as they think they are. I will post a paper I read written on the mulattos throughout American History.


May 20, 2012
Well I wish I could post up my family up here. My mom has 8 brothers and sisters. All ranging from Wesley Snipes to Tisha Campbell in Complexion. I get what they are saying. They just want to preserve black people becuase we are witnessing black gencide in America. But Biracial people have been in the black community for 400 years and that is fact. There were more biracial people in the 1800s then now. Plus mulattos where classified as a separate group up until 1940. Yep its true. Also some these people who are brown skin aren't as black as they think they are. I will post a paper I read written on the mulattos throughout American History.
Man, I heard that black people going extinct shyt since the 90's when we had high violence. The pro black hotep types tried to scare us with saying blacks males will be extinct by the year 2000. Even the news was saying it. I used to wear the shirt, had my black medalion, hated white people, wore my kente cloth, and the whole nine. None of that shyt happened, and we just grew. And those people just ended up beefing with each other, and were foul people.

Its one of the reasons I stopped listening to them, unless they were teaching about history, and even then I took it with a grain of salt, unless the teachings were based on proven science or it made sense. Fear is what motivates these types, not actual knowledge.

I learned unless you live by judging others based on truth, your enemy will always win, because he is the master or lies, and injustice, and separation. You would never beat him at his own game.


May 20, 2012
this is what it really comes down to, black (american) self preservation. some people don't give a fukk about it :yeshrug:
It aint gonna happen, stop being so scared. We are growing everyday.

What IS happening, is we are losing the game because we don't want to play it the way it should be played minus the lies, and deceit. We get emotional, instead of getting logical, so we can make smart moves.


Aug 29, 2014
Man, I heard that black people going extinct shyt since the 90's when we had high violence. The pro black hotep types tried to scare us with saying blacks males will be extinct by the year 2000. Even the news was saying it. I used to wear the shirt, had my black medalion, hated white people, wore my kente cloth, and the whole nine. None of that shyt happened, and we just grew. And those people just ended up beefing with each other, and were foul people.

Its one of the reasons I stopped listening to them, unless they were teaching about history, and even then I took it with a grain of salt, unless the teachings were based on proven science or it made sense. Fear is what motivates these types, not actual knowledge.

I learned unless you live by judging others based on truth, your enemy will always win, because he is the master or lies, and injustice, and separation. You would never beat him at his own game.
Well I'm glad you broke away from toxic people. A nice black coli poster pmed a copy of a good history journal After some Haitian coli poster was Saying some real bigoted things about African Americans. He said "Not all your skin folk are your kinfolk". :russ: It stuck with me. But Yes I agree you gotta just read history and science and make good decisions on what's real and what's fake. But @Marcus is a cool poster he just has different beliefs. Y'all can just agree to disagree I guess. :manny: Lol don't mind me breh...I just saw 13th on Netflix so I'm like damn the coli needs to focus on ALEC not no damn biracials. :skip: Focused on the wrong stuff. Anyway Good Wishes, friend


Arab Money
Apr 4, 2015
:stopitslime: them HOES are single for a reason

Usually based on the three Bs


stop acting like u owe single black mothers something...

Alot of em made bad choices in life

Like spending thier life fukking whom they wanted to fukk (playa..dopeboya..goon)

Instead of whom they Should of fukked (church boy...college student.professional..humble guy) :yeshrug:

That's true in some cases, but I've known college educated or military bros (some were making 6 figures, some were just close to it) who got a bytch pregnant and didn't marry her, they moved on and she raised the kid on her own. It's not just a "goon/thug" thing. Deadbeats exist in every class, lower/middle/upper.

Having more money doesn't necessarily mean a guy is "good". Lot of deadbeats out there and not all are thugs. The women still made bad choices though, that I agree on, having a baby out of wedlock is a bad decision period.


Oct 14, 2015


Arab Money
Apr 4, 2015
Starting to feel like this pro-black militant shyt is just people trolling,

Y'all can't be serious

I do think OP is being a bit overdramatic:mjlol: but I have noticed long ago the difference in how white dudes act in their pro white stance and how black men tend to not stand as strong in ours.:manny:

- If a "pro white" man (which is what the majority of white men are..) dislikes interracial relationships, they usually dislike it for both genders, not just the women, because he feels white is superior, period. For them, their feeling about dating/marrying out applies to both white women and men. He's not gonna be a hypocrite about it by bashing white women for dating out while dating a black women himself. If he doesn't want Becky with Marcus, he also doesn't want himself or his son etc with Tameka either , because he sees white as being better, and would never uplift black women's looks or anything about them. To them, white women as a group are superior to black women, despite whatever flaws they may have. This is the white american male stance in general. Because he's really "pro white" and not hypocritical about it. Unlike many of the bros on and outside of the Coli :mjpls:

- If a rich or high profile white man, even an average everyday white man, openly had a party/event/video/anything with mostly black women and little to no white women there, other white ppl would be like :what::skip::scust: like he's lost his mind, instead of trying to defend it. Because they generally think white > black, so showcasing and being around a bunch of black women would be weird/bad to them. They wouldn't just be like "oh Ted loves all women! :blessed:he doesn't discriminate!!!" :usure:

There's more but those are 2 glaring differences between white American men and AA men when it comes to culture/pride
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Jun 23, 2012
That's true in some cases, but I've known college educated or military bros (some were making 6 figures, some were just close to it) who got a bytch pregnant and didn't marry her, they moved on and she raised the kid on her own. It's not just a "goon/thug" thing. Deadbeats exist in every class, lower/middle/upper.

Having more money doesn't necessarily mean a guy is "good". Lot of deadbeats out there and not all are thugs. The women still made bad choices though, that I agree on, having a baby out of wedlock is a bad decision period.
So women shouldn't have kids unless a man marries her? The same men that have an aversion to commitment and marriage in general? The same women whose bodies prepare 3 weeks out of EVERY month for YEARS to conceive? ok. I feel bad for Women who miss out out child birth waiting for a dude to marry them. Because marriages doesn't mean he will be a good father it just means society won't judge you.


May 20, 2012
I do think OP is being a bit overdramatic:mjlol: but I have noticed long ago the difference in how white dudes act in their pro white stance and how black men tend to not stand as strong in ours.:manny:

- If a "pro white" man (which is what the majority of white men are..) dislikes interracial relationships, they usually dislike it for both genders, not just the women, because he feels white is superior, period. For them, their feeling about dating/marrying out applies to both white women and men. He's not gonna be a hypocrite about it by bashing white women for dating out while dating a black women himself. If he doesn't want Becky with Marcus, he also doesn't want himself or his son etc with Tameka either , because he sees white as being better, and would never uplift black women's looks or anything about them. To them, white women as a group are superior to black women, despite whatever flaws they may have. This is the white american male stance in general. Because he's really "pro white" and not hypocritical about it. Unlike many of the bros on and outside of the Coli :mjpls:

- If a rich or high profile white man, even an average everyday white man, openly had a party/event/video/anything with mostly black women and little to no white women there, other white ppl would be like :what::skip::scust: like he's lost his mind, instead of trying to defend it. Because they generally think white > black, so showcasing and being around a bunch of black women would be weird/bad to them. They wouldn't just be like "oh Ted loves all women! :blessed:he doesn't discriminate!!!" :usure:

There's more but those are 2 glaring differences between white American men and AA men when it comes to culture/pride
That's true, but I truly believe its because they fear being wiped out, its not just about pride. I don't think they would feel that way if the people were Mexicans who have white in them called mestizos, because their children would still look like them or close enough. I even seen an old white lady tell the guy in the show "what would you do" that she wouldn't mind a white lady to date him(he's mexican) but not a black guy, and genetic annihilation is why, even if she didn't realize it. Even Asian won't be a big fear. Blacks don't have that fear, because we know chances are the child will look like us, or close to it. The fight is real between blacks, and whites, and sex is the tool that will either end the shyt or keep it going. White Supremacist know this.

The biggest fear of blacks, is because we will transform their whole family, and they know white supremacy is real, even if they don't feel that way, so that means their children will have to deal with racism. Francess Cress Welsing's theory is real to me. Genetic anihilation from blacks is a fear for people like certain Asians, and whites(including middle easterners) that is why they don't want the races mixing. If you mix, chances are you are going to fukk, and that means a high chance of children, and that means lower numbers for them, and that means NO POWER!.

Unless you can dumb the people down, and get them to focus spookism, and nontrivial things, while you focus on science, and learning psychology, so you can keep manipulating the masses. This is how whites conquered the WORLD. Go look at a map of Europe, and see how small it is, yet they ruled every place on the map! Its because they became skilled in science, psychology, and the art of war.
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Living dead
Mar 2, 2015
:stopitslime: them HOES are single for a reason

Usually based on the three Bs


stop acting like u owe single black mothers something...

Alot of em made bad choices in life

Like spending thier life fukking whom they wanted to fukk (playa..dopeboya..goon)

Instead of whom they Should of fukked (church boy...college student.professional..humble guy) :yeshrug:

When reps come back breh....oh man you gonna get it.

That's the word of truth.
As a matter of fact, your post is the last thing I need to read in this thread.

I'm out.