If you don't put on Anime when you got a woman over, you already lost.


Nov 12, 2012
The Forest Where Hope Died
Now before you get all riled up let me explain. Anime is a form of animation that originates from Japan. It's also what you should be playing if you want to get into that wet-wet no problem for a variety of reasons, like

1. Women really fukking love cartoons.

Some of them won't admit to this but it's true. Females are like kids and love things that are animated. Most of them love shyt like Finding Nemo, or Despicable Me, or anything from Disney. Anime is probably something they haven't seen, and will love because:

2. It makes you look like a cultured individual

Having an appreciation for foreign media is going to make you look like a well-rounded and more interesting person, something that putting on South Park or Tom and Jerry probably would not do. As long as you're not pompous about it, she will definitely see you in a better light. Plus, its a great way to separate yourself from the pack that would be too scared to do this

3. The women in the show will make your girl feel somewhat insecure, making it easier to smash.

Almost every woman on screen will be very good looking. So much in fact that the female may start to get jealous and insecure that you would prefer these 2D women over her, causing her to try to "show them up" by having sex with you.

4. Most of the shows are interesting, colorful, and will keep her engaged.

As long as it's not something that drags on and on like DBZ or Naruto, she'll be engaged and interested the entire time, allowing for you to plot your next moves :birdman:. Especially since you'll be playing it subbed, so she'll be reading the words and focused on the screen. Be warned, English dubs will be sure to get her out of the mood :scusthov:

5. Great way to filter out ratchet, basic bytches.

It keeps girls that don't have an open mind, don't have an appreciation for other people, and are just straight :trash:from trapping you with a baby and sucking child support from you for 18 years. You'll know that the woman is high quality if she sticks around.

I could add more but I think that will do. In short, next time you bring a girl over, play a Miyazaki film and you'll see I'm right.


Also no porn, that's too :whoa: if you haven't smashed already

Realest thread I've ever read on the coli..and realest nikka on the coli @SamuraiFlamenco

If you ain't watching Tenchi or Ranma with ya bytch..you lost


Just Wild
Jun 16, 2013
West Virginia
Pretty sure they make anime for females. Fruits Baskets, Vampire Knight and shyt like that.
Dec 30, 2013
Can we watch Hellsing? :lupe:

Hellsing would actually be a good one, lots of sex and violence, plus it has a lot of overtones in it that will be great for a discussion.
I'm about to be 26. I wish i would try to show a grown ass woman i'm dating some Anime:heh:

Real talk, she'll like it. It'll show her you're a secure man that doesn't give a fukk what she thinks and it will elevate you in her eyes.

this works on a open minded female only

the average bird won't appreciate anime

This is the coli, every woman we mess with is a high quality, 10/10 dimepiece with an open mind and great head game :shaq:
Dec 30, 2013
what if she finds those anime pretty boys better looking than you? this is a bad idea :bryan:

Which is why you put something on where the majority of the cast is female like a Miyazaki flick. Selection is important. In the same way you won't put on Marylin Manson if you want to put on love-making music, you won't put something like Free! or Boku no Pico on if you are with your woman.