OLED gang
I'm here
I can't believe that Court was in before me
Don't beat yourself up about it. Homie got the Great Value version, and was trying to convince himself it wasn't by trolling everybody else.
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OLED gang
I'm here
I can't believe that Court was in before me
48 inch
55 is $200 off
Damn I may cop.
Is this one of the best all around OLEDs out?
That's what they say. Might pull the trigger my damn self
Update: it's coming today between 4 and 6
My nikka
copped mine as well it’s coming next week
just need that ps5 to complete the cypher
How do you clean off the screen? I put my paws on the screen when trying to clean dust and now I can still see smudges from trying to clean it up.
I bought some of these.
Weiman Disinfecting Electronic Cleaning Wipes For Keyboards, Tablets, E-readers, Smart Phones, Netbooks, and Touchscreens (30 Wipes) https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B004ZAVUJQ/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_4NN3FGG6YMGPNZTCZZPT
Really, the main thing is just making sure you're not using window or glass cleaner.