If you could go back to when you first started pursuing gainz, what advice would you give yourself?

Chabot College

All Star
Aug 19, 2013
Hayward, CA
I would have disregarded the "abs are made in the kitchen" bs.

and I would have isolated my biceps rather than only relying on compunds.

All muscles are made in the kitchen, I wasted like my first 4 years of lifting disregarding my abs and biceps now they look great.

Your heart is a muscle, do cardio. Your body doesnt look as good as you think it does if you think cardio will kill your gains.

Also, body fat percentage>>>> weight on a scale. Everyone holds weight differently, I look jailhouse swole at 185, the internet had me thinking I thought I needed to be 200+ pounds but a lot of internet lifters have extreme body dysmorphia.

Proper nutrition is the key to a great body, not how much you can lift.
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All Star
Sep 7, 2013
Meal prep is key.
Prepare to buy more clothes
Be sure to stretch
Always have a plan, and a backup plan
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All Star
Sep 7, 2013
1) Form
2) Contract
3) Do Deadlifts
4) Squat
5) You should be able to pull as much as you can push. There should not be a big gap in weight in barbell Bench press vs. Bent over barbell row.
6) Eat healthy
7) Retract ur fukking blades
8) dont forget micros not just macros.
9) Pause & contract on back workouts.
10) If training chest & back same day do supersets & back first. That back pump pushes more in benching.
11) Superset!!!
12) sometimes forget 8-12 reps & do 4-6 or 14-16
13) deload week!!!
14) use cinammon in everything
15) eat oats for breakfast, nothing with sugar.
16) step yo sweet potatoes game up!! FUKK YA
17) dont put milk or coffee or sugar in yo coffee. Keep it black
18) dont buy whey, buy whey/casein/egg blends.
19) Step yo brocolli game up.
20) cartons of egg whites are ur friend.
21) no pancake mixs
22) dont forget forearm
23) rest on yo butt on bent overs
24) hiit on hills, run upwards, find a hill
25) curl heavy weights and too much jerking off is no good for ur forearms.
26) study form, like really study it.
27) pose in front of mirror everyday, and thats EVERY muscle not just anterior.
28) vertical pushing/pulling is NOT the same as horizontal pushing/pulling.
29) step yo pull up game up
30) do it for you & nobody else!!!!!
31) fukk socializing at the gym & hate those that do. Be snobby to them even outside the gym.
32) volume baby!
33) DO not make friends with old white ppl at the gym. They will have no problem talking to u while naked in the locker room.
34) beware of white ppl in the locker room. Prepare your eyes for horror.
35) start a no whiteman gym.

36) switch shyt up, minimum yearly, or do i mean maximum.
37) squeeze yo hips before u deadlift or squat.
38) listen to papoose at the gym.
39) Dont tell ur goals to anyone you know. Be serious about your goals but keep it to yoself
40) rotator cuff exercises, do them.
41) dont do chest dumbell flys
42) stretch before pushing. I dont mean stretching like warming up. I mean stretch at the top like when you do rows at the top position.
43) resting position for bench is NOT ur neck, its yo nip.
44) Never think of funny stuff while lifting.
45) keep rest periods short.

fukking facts!
Everytime I'm in the gym, it's straight :demonic: face, I'm wearing headphones for a fukking reason.