Can we get some volunteers? How much is anyone paying explicitly to store your physical games?
I'll start. I keep a roof over my head and under that roof I store my physical possessions. I have hundreds of physical games I do not explicitly pay anything extra to store them in my living space. I have games I bought when I was a teenager and I'm 39 now. I have games you can no longer buy without paying exorbitant prices for. The space they take up doesn't impact me.
Space cost money. For lots of people physical space comes at a premium. Especially in 2022.
as you said, have empathy for others situations
Even though you might not feel it directly. You are currently paying for the space to hold your games. You are even paying tax on that space.
In comparison the amount of terabytes I'd need to store my entire digital collection would be prohibitively expensive and it would be incredibly tedious to come up with a system of what games were on what hard drives. I'd also likely need to go SSD because storing them on conventional hard drives could possibly introduce a point of failure as hard drives even when not in use don't last too long and the data on them can corrupt close to the end.
Digital space is cheaper than physical space. That’s a fact.
And discs deteriorate over time as well.
In the case of digital games at least you should have the ability to re-download them.
So Meach do you want to detail your system for how you back up all your digital games and how much all the storage space combined cost you or will you just tell me you let a corporation handle the storage for you and Que Será, Será if they decide to pull the plug on your access to them? Or you could just stop making disingenuous arguments and concede that yes physical games have their place and people have valid reasons to find their ownership desirable. Not ignorance.
I don’t,
I don’t subscribe to the doomsday nonsense that one day servers are just gonna shut off.
Im confident that I will be able re-download my games well into the future. If a time arises where I feel that’s not the case anymore I know I have the option to preserve my games physically.
There’s nothing disingenuous about that.