No you don’t, you can just hand over a hard dive just like you could a disc. Or you can go over to the persons place and download the game yourself, and you don’t have to give up your password.
They can't play the game because you handed them a hard drive with it on there. They need your account's permission either by you logging in to it on their hardware or by you using methods like setting their console up as your home console.
Or you can just take your hard drive with you.
Except my Series X hard drive is built into the console. BRB spending money on an accessory I don't really need so I can move games around just to not appear ignorant.
The thread is literally a guy asking a question cause he was ignorant to how digital licensing works.
It’s not about how I “see thing”
Except you said ignorance is the main reason most are hanging on to disc. I presented arguments beyond ignorance why people would want to have a physical disc so yeah that's how you see it. It's you looking at the tradeoffs coming down on one side of it then calling people who see if differently as ignorant because they don't share your preference.
If my account gets banned I am instantly locked out of any game I don't already have downloaded on hardware at that moment. If my house burns down I lose any games that were destroyed inside. It's literally just different tradeoffs. One set of flaws for another. Has nothing to do with ignorance.