All Star
I've got no problem with women doing women shyt.
I get it. Beautify and all that. Do what you feel you gotta do.
Thats something thats DEMONSTRABLY NOT YOURS. You can fake all that other shyt. Nails. Eyelashes. Even lip-fullness...but HAIR?
Where does ANY black woman think she's going with that thin ass, waist-level shyt?
If that's the case then this sounds personal, eye of the beholder and all that. Everything you're saying here stems from the fact that you personally can't reconcile hair the way you do the other stuff because from where I'm standing its all subject to the same socio-cultural forces and therefore equally defensible and/or worthy of critique. Putting in your two cents is fine as long as you acknowledge that it is just that and your own prejudice has no bearing on how other people conceive their race.
There are plenty of black beauty stores, the real problem is that not enough rigorous research has gone into making products that optimally cater to black hair, at least when compared comparatively with white hair care products. We're finally getting along the right lines hereOutside of weave, I think black beauty stores are needed.
for example, you know black hair makes less oil than caucasian/asian hair? This leads to the issue where blacks buy products made for hair that isn't their own and dries out their scalp.
These problems could be avoided if blacks invested more in products that addressed their natural hair chemistry and physiological conditions. Granted, hair is dead cells, there is a lot to be taken into account when you talk about hair care.
Oh? well allow me to clarify. It 's not. It is in fact exactly what you are saying.This sounds like an excuse.
Since when does hair need protection?
thats what i don't understand.
Wear a hat then.
Or a helmet.
Unless WWIII broke out, i don't understand this "protection" argument.
Its sheer BS and a talking point only reiterated by those who just parrot shyt.
If i'm growing my beard out, do I "protect" that too?
Nope. I try...but none of their arguments hold up to me.
Did you EVER think that someone could have ALL the info and still reject a claim?
If I can't understand something on the terms that someone presents it to me, I usually go off and research it myself to see what I come up with. Even if you do so and still find that you disagree at least then you'll understand where people are coming from and you wouldn't be asking these questions if you had all the info but I'll try to break it down how I understand it.
A girl can't just wake up in the morning and walk out the door without making her hair look sensible
Black hair is tough and prone to tangling and breakage
Constantly brushing, combing and manipulating it is bad for it.
When you wear a weave your own hair and scalp underneath is left untouched
That way your hair underneath is allowed to breathe and grow (if treated right) while the weave bears the brunt of daily wear and tear.
Again this sounds like a hangup that's very specific to you. You seem to believe that a hairstyle is an equivocal representation of the depths of somebodies psyche and everything that they believe about themselves. Others might see making such an equivocation as melodramatic and ignorant.This isn't about "logic" per se. Its about subjectivity. I will admit that.
...but at the end of the day, if someone can get you to REJECT the affinity you have for the hair ON YOUR HEAD, then I'd say you've let them reach into the depth of your psyche and change everything that you believe about yourself.
But for what it's worth, the fundamental thing you're misunderstanding is that you don't have to hate what you have in order to want something else.
When you suggested that Asians and whites not wearing afro styles is relevant you did.I NEVER advocated for this.
Do you not see how foolish it is to call me an apologist for saying the exact same thing as you minus an assertion that you can't possibly support?You're a horrible apologist. All you're doing is explaining what i've already said.
Most dudes just don't want to argue over it so they just let it slide. Whether they sleep on the couch that night or lose their chick over it isn't worth it so they ignore it.
the fact remains that MOST DUDES ain't really feeling it like that.
No, if we really cared about this shyt that would be part of the beginning of this discussion, I don't need to subvert this discussion, it happily subverts itself. I'll take a page out of your book to show you what I'm getting at....Which is why chemicals are part 2 of this discussion....
You're trying to subvert this discussion to prop your own argument when you should learn to address both at one time. We can't do one without the other.
Everything should start from here. This should be the foundation upon which we discuss hair. Natural is far too specious a term and there is no real way of drawing a line in the sand that everybody will agree on. I don't see how anybody can put any kind of chemical mass produced in a factory in their hair on a daily basis and then call it natural. Others might draw the line elsewhere. The whole natural hair debate is being conducted on shifting sands which is why there's never any headway. You can't even begin to talk about getting rid of weave when what's underneath isn't right.