Dude please stop blowing up the size of your text doesn't make it any easier to read.
Well ok then, what the hell does consistency have to do with beauty and aesthetics? Are we not talking about an aspect of human nature that contradicts itself and is constantly morphing and cannibalising itself?
I've got no problem with women doing women shyt.
I get it. Beautify and all that. Do what you feel you gotta do.
Thats something thats DEMONSTRABLY NOT YOURS. You can fake all that other shyt. Nails. Eyelashes. Even lip-fullness...but HAIR?
Where does ANY black woman think she's going with that thin ass, waist-level shyt?
Almost everybody in America, male or female, is following the 'dominant society' (you could be more specific with what that's supposed to entail). You live in a country where the vast majority of commercial beauty products that are marketed in the mainstream are for white people.
Outside of weave, I think black beauty stores are needed.
for example, you know black hair makes less oil than caucasian/asian hair? This leads to the issue where blacks buy products made for hair that isn't their own and dries out their scalp.
These problems could be avoided if blacks invested more in products that addressed their natural hair chemistry and physiological conditions. Granted, hair is dead cells, there is a lot to be taken into account when you talk about hair care.
This does not need reiterating. The dominant strand of any society almost always dictates aesthetic standards in that society I'm not sure what your point is here. Nobody is disputing this.
This sounds like an excuse.
Do you know for certain that a weave does not protect a womans natural hair?
Since when does hair need protection?
thats what i don't understand.
Wear a hat then.
Or a helmet.
Unless WWIII broke out, i don't understand this "protection" argument.
Its sheer BS and a talking point only reiterated by those who just parrot shyt.
If i'm growing my beard out, do I "protect" that too?
Do you understand the immediate rationale behind what various black women do to their hair?
Nope. I try...but none of their arguments hold up to me.
You are clearly somebody that values logic but for some reason you're happy to conduct this argument from a place of ignorance.
Did you EVER think that someone could have ALL the info and still reject a claim?
This isn't about "logic" per se. Its about subjectivity. I will admit that.
...but at the end of the day, if someone can get you to REJECT the affinity you have for the hair ON YOUR HEAD, then I'd say you've let them reach into the depth of your psyche and change everything that you believe about yourself.
Again you are logical person, so you should understand that cross-cultural appropriation is not a zero sum game, no sane human being expects to see their culture equally reflected in others.
I NEVER advocated for this.
The reality is most black men don't have explicit problems with weaves or are so used to it that they don't think to question it.
You're a horrible apologist. All you're doing is explaining what i've already said.
Most dudes just don't want to argue over it so they just let it slide. Whether they sleep on the couch that night or lose their chick over it isn't worth it so they ignore it.
the fact remains that MOST DUDES ain't really feeling it like that.
Many of the women we know have damaged their natural hair to the point where weaves and wigs are the only option (hint, hint).
Which is why chemicals are part 2 of this discussion....
Weave is a cultural institution but that in itself is not where the focus of this debate should be and far too many of you are too hung up on it to see the actual root of the problem.
You're trying to subvert this discussion to prop your own argument when you should learn to address both at one time. We can't do one without the other.