If y'all cancel R Kelly make sure you keep that same energy with Wanya Morris, Michael Jackson


May 6, 2012
I can’t speak for Kelly’s victims but MJs weren’t paid off. This was the case that went to court

MJ had money....Why are u acting like 'under the table' shyt isnt possible and witnesses cant be bribed after the fact?



Dec 27, 2017
Its okay.

The white man intimidates you.

I know your type very well.

Your type seeks validation.

Dont quote me shawty.
Lol. I know all that flexing you are doing is only on the internet.

I know your type well, in these corporate offices all suited and to we are all vulnerably we are all under the system and no one has a moral high ground over anyone, The coli is not putting food on your plate.

What we should have are brutally honest conversations on the effects that it has on both the sexes. And I have a real issue that black men on the coli use white people to deflect effed up ish that black people do to one another.

That is not being on code, that is drowning with a sinking ship.

We should be able to call racism and unfair practices in our regard and clean up the degenrates among us. It is not an either...or.

Or else people will continue to strive to be with the same white people they claim they hate.


Dec 16, 2015
This is BS!
Pedophila isn’t a sexual orientation. You are aware that most pedophiles are married and/or heterosexual?
You keep saying MJ has ‘friends’. His relatives used to be around just as much as them as well as the boys parents, siblings, staff, etc
E wruone clise to MJ says he wasn’t a molester but yet you feel you can diagnose someone you never met through the Internet? BS
Instead of worrying about a celebrity whose dead use this sane energy for the millions of young people who are being abused as we speak

See this is the mental gymnastics people go through...

Being a pedophile is a sexual orientation...

It's a romantic, sexual attraction to children...you can be a homosexual pedophile or a heterosexual pedophile...most pedophiles have beards...you know a wife or a husband...

And it's biologically fixed....

Meaning...it's in their brain...

And no...the man said it himself, he likes having slumber parties with boys and he sees nothing wrong with it...

That's NAMBLA shyt right there...

And if you knew anything about pedophilia...pedophiles court kids like any other heterosexual and homosexual...they meet their parents, take the parents and the kids out and do all types of shyt...vacations, gifts...bring the kids around his family...it's called grooming...

Which Michael Jackson did...I mean he took boy's families on tour with him just so he can have access to the damn boys...

He was tricking off money left and right to keep his boys around

And who you think got the boys and shyt...staff...

I mean...Michael Jackson and his thing for boys throughout his adulthood is an open secret...

Like John Lennon beating the fukk out of his wives...

Or Pill Cosby cheating and putting bytches to sleep...

Everybody knows...besides those that don't wanna hear it cause they wanna keep the illusion alive...

No grown ass man is hanging out with boys like that unless he likes them in a special kind of way...

Booker T Garvey

Aug 17, 2014
See this is the mental gymnastics people go through...

Being a pedophile is a sexual orientation...

It's a romantic, sexual attraction to children...you can be a homosexual pedophile or a heterosexual pedophile...most pedophiles have beards...you know a wife or a husband...

And it's biologically fixed....

Meaning...it's in their brain...

And no...the man said it himself, he likes having slumber parties with boys and he sees nothing wrong with it...

That's NAMBLA shyt right there...

And if you knew anything about pedophilia...pedophiles court kids like any other heterosexual and homosexual...they meet their parents, take the parents and the kids out and do all types of shyt...vacations, gifts...bring the kids around his family...it's called grooming...

Which Michael Jackson did...I mean he took boy's families on tour with him just so he can have access to the damn boys...

He was tricking off money left and right to keep his boys around

And who you think got the boys and shyt...staff...

I mean...Michael Jackson and his thing for boys throughout his adulthood is an open secret...

Like John Lennon beating the fukk out of his wives...

Or Pill Cosby cheating and putting bytches to sleep...

Everybody knows...besides those that don't wanna hear it cause they wanna keep the illusion alive...

No grown ass man is hanging out with boys like that unless he likes them in a special kind of way...

couldn't help but notice you dodge my response to you earlier but you've got all this energy for everybody else it seems..

so I'll just ask you here: How did MJ manage to escape a 2 year long investigation by the FEDS?

keep in mind the FEDS take down billionaires, mob bosses worth millions, corporations, world leaders;
they also have no jurisdiction - they can question your 3rd grade teacher and girlfriend if they want and they'd BETTER cooperate.
yet somehow MJ managed to hide all of this info that YOU have from them? :leon:

there is no right or wrong answer, I'm just curious as to your explanation or rationale as to how that could be:jbhmm: