If we're honest, infatuation with sex is a very low level way of thinking.


Nov 17, 2017
Why y’all nikkas gotta make every thing so black and white? Idk what type of nikkas y'all have met, but I haven’t met anyone who actually didn’t level up because they were chasing p*ssy.

You think nikkas would be successful if they didn’t chase ass? They would be on some other shyt, like drinking or drugs.

If a nikka wants to be successful, p*ssy isn’t gonna stop him from achieving his goals, if he doesn’t want to do any better, it’s because he doesn’t want to, p*ssy ain’t got nothing to do with it.

nikkas get p*ssy while in high school and graduate, nikkas get p*ssy in college, nikkas get p*ssy after college, etc.

You can get p*ssy while still achieving goals.

You don’t have to focus on p*ssy 24/7 to get it. All you gotta do is go out on the weekends or when you’re off.

nikkas letting p*ssy control them that bad?

I don’t know what’s going on and it’s weird to keep hearing this.


All Star
Jun 16, 2015
I know exactly what OP is talking about but he ruined it with the sex worker talk. Son destroyed the whole premise.

What OP is talking about the lowlife dudes who obsess over sex/equate their masculinity to whose having the most sex but have nothing else going for themselves. If you grew up in the hood you know these types. Cats who get more ass than a toilet seat but are broke as fukk & barely getting by & always tryna catch the next nut. 3 baby mothers and multiple side chicks but begging people for loosies. Hell Im Dominican so the culture in itself is the relentless pursuit of sex & a lot of those men
like my uncle are broke as hell with 2 baby mothers. But he get p*ssy tho!

I’ve fukked a lot of bytches in my life & while I don’t regret it....it came with a lot of time, drama and money spent on impressing women that I coulda invested into something worthwhile. There has to be a balance.

There’s plenty of old heads on the block bragging about shacking up & fukking a single mother/ how much p*ssy they got “back in the day” while having to work at UPS until there dead cuz they cant retire. And I doubt most millionares had or even still have the time to have sex every single day....they have to beat women off with a stick. The guys Ive seen chase p*ssy with the most vigor are usually the brokest.

That doesnt mean you have to bury your head in the books Japan style and go without sex. The older and more focused I got on my goals the more women fell into my lap with no effort. When I was younger I chased more and succeeded but at a cost of time and money.You just need a balance.

Why do you think Dominican culture is like that? Lol my Dominican friend is like this.


Mar 11, 2022
Old York
Keeping it 100, addicting to "p*ssy" and "fukking every fine girl that moves" is a very low-level way to think. Sex is a physical act but one that doesn't determine what a person comes out to be later on. Plenty of former hoes who successfully married successfully turned their life around and moved onto to do great things while a lot of others where stuck in the same mindset for years.

In we factor in something like tricking which some talk about alot on this board, I know several former workers who literally changed life around and are doing great out there right now, you wouldn't know about their past hoeing or the former BP ads, they completely moved on and did great. Good jobs, good mates, cleaned themselves up.

I also know some old tricks who never went to the gym, fat, old outta shape cacs who basically should message boards looking for new p*ssy, while not even spending 10 bucks a month on planet fitness or doing anything to try to get outta that mindset.

KInda sax when the hoe gets the last laugh and it's the trick left in the same spot.

I can say the same for strip clubs, girls come and go, most of them move on, relocate and before you know it married, got careers and them nikkas still at the front door, drinking that cheap liquor and not even seeing 55.

Sex is a pretty low-level way to think if we keep it 100... staring at bytches you'll never fukk, instead of doing the best you can be current with what's around you, the mindset gotta change cuz you see the mindset of the successful and the mindset of the non-successful.


Buckeye Fever

May 1, 2012
Hip-Hop Since '79
Some black men are taught at a young age if you're not pulling women you're manliness is in question.
I had to lie to my older males relatives when they would see the chicks come around that I went to school with.

"I know you fukkin' some of these bytches, right?:leostare:"

Me: "Maaaaaaan, u already know!"