I could never wrap my head around the concept of patriotism. I might go as far as refer to patriotism as a psychological disorder. How can you guys develop such a strong emotional attachment to a historically racist country? A country founded on stolen land taken from the natives and the enslavement of an entire race of people. You're a single individual. How do you hope to be a catalyst for change in this country? Marching and protesting won't work. Writing a letter to your congressman won't work since politicians are in the back pockets of mega corporation and don't give a shyt about their constiuents.
Historically when a government becomes more tyrannical the citizens had the common sense to see that and spark a revolution. Today, Americans are immensely distracted with football, basketball, movies, television, Kim Kardashian, celebrity gossip, porn, etc. If you showed the average American a video of clear police brutality they will most likely defend the cops or give them a benefit of the doubt and assume the citizen was wrong. The average American is a braindead zombie who worships the government and thinks they can't do any wrong. Most Americans still believe Trayzon Martin deserved to die.
How can you be the catalyst for change in an environment where extreme ignorance is so pervasive? Personally this country has become inhospitable for me. I can't even walk to the store without a police officer searching me and asking me questions. My very existence is a threat to society.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with people relocating to another country in search of a better life. Many immigrants left their home country to come to America for a better life. Are these people cowards? Many people even today try to sneak out of North Korea for a better life. I guess these people are cowards too. When Hitler and the Nazi party were growing in power some of the smarter Jews left Germany.
The U.S. is training the army to combat black people: