Oh course you don't, you're remedial, trying to pass yourself off as intelligent. Every time I post you ignore me, and anyone else who has sense. I don't care that you believe in flat Earth and that's not why I think you're remedial, it's because your doing the common tactic of "I don't understand" anything that's on point or ignoring the post outright. You only debate people that you know you can poke at.
You fukked up quoting me because you thought what I said didn't make sense but it makes perfect sense, which is why I've been dapped up a few times already and just posted it.
I'll ask you again: What shape is the Earth? A flat rectangle, square, or circle (disc)? No matter what you answer, the Earth would have to be in a horizontal position because of gravity. Speaking of gravity, could you explain to me how earth is able to sustain water on this surface? If you can't answer these basic questions, it tells me everything I need to know and we can stop the conversation here.