Bruh, it's like you haven't been reading this thread. Business. Blacks would rather buy from someone who don't look like them rather then their own people. They will kill to wear clothes from people who openly hate them then to wear something from someone who is black just because they see it as "not cool".
Really, you have proof of this? Show me where a company has marketed White people in hopes of garnering sales from a Black audience. Black people see Black faces attached to these products. Nike not giving huge contracts to David Lee or Peyton Manning in hopes of them moving product to it's large African American fan base. If anything many blacks are guilty of ignorance in knowing who profits more from their purchasing decisions. I have never seen Black people avoid buying something especially on a level as large as clothing because of the profiteers being the same color as them.
Show me a brand of clothing, food, product etc... which failed to take off simply because the owners were Black and Black people refused to purchase it.