The church, they molest kids.
In schools, they want to teach kids about historical figures who took it up the ass. Why does that have to be included. Why do kids have to know, hey this guy took it up the ass. How does that contirbute to his historical importance? It doesnt.
In the film industry they have emasculated men and made the sissy the new hero
One could argue this is the influence of feminism. Personally I think the popularity of films is a reflection of society. Men in movies are emasculated because men in real life are emasculated. Case in point, all the so called tough guys scared to death of supposedly effeminate + weak homosexuals
In the entertainment industry they have an army of fukkboys that pollute the minds of our children with a variety of garbage about how they can ruin their lives.
Can you name any of their agents or point directly to this work and the homo entities behind them?
In the fashion industry they make the standard of beauty the lily white anurexic boy bodied woman to the detriment of the average woman.
Thats legitimate.
In politics they push for gay agendas in our schools, in marriage and among the population so they can eventually get to a point in time where they can run as a homosexual instead of having to run in the closet because they know the majority population doesnt trust or like gays.
No problem with this, they shouldn't be outcast for who they are. Plus wouldnt it be better for these people to be honest, than to engage in demonic sorcery to conceal their true nature? Seems like they are damned if they do, damned if they don't (more on this later)
In social media like message boards they spread message that its ok for a man to marry his mother just so people will not give them grief about the slippery slope gay marriage creates
They're overall deceitful, self centered and bad for any society that love um.
And what about folks like yourself, who sincerely believe that everyone subscribe to your morals and values? You're a hypocrite.
Not to mention, you talk all this shyt about how strong your bloodline is, and how you can grapple a man into submission, but have demonstrated a clear and real fear of a group that is weak and effeminate (in your words). If homos are weak,
and you're scared of them, what does that make you? If you are the pillar of strength and genetic fortitude you claim to be, you and your family will be impervious to their influence.
Plus homos are far from the first group to try to weave their agenda into the media consciousness. If you are stupid enough to buy into everything you see on TV, or not raise your kids to be able to read between the lines and make the right judgement call, you and your descendants deserve whatever the media forces on you.
Either gays are not the "effeminate fakkits" you claim them and anyone who doesn't agree with you on them to be, or you're not as strong/smart as you claim to be. Cant have it both ways, friend.
The most hilarious aspect of this crusade is you claim to do this as an agent of God. But only God can judge the next man. And if He exists, he will have some questions I don't know that you will have the answer for, friend. Do right and spread positivity and peace... let Him deal with sin, its not your role/fight.