Notice how Harry Reid says our friends in the
State of Israel. Been telling y'all that this is the 51st state and it was always part of the plan to have it as such since the founding of this country. In fact, the
State of Israel is the #1 state of the 51 that is a top priority for politicians on both sides, its amazing how both can agree on that but almost nothing else. Just look at your dollar bill.
King David never had no star symbol, that is the star of Molech an idol used in satanic worship by Khazar fake Jews. They even follow the demonic Talmud which is not in the holy scriptures.
The Khazar fake Jews are called the Synagogue of Satan for a reason:
Look how it conveniently points to the letters M-A-S-O-N. The country and the world order and illuminati were all set up by devil worshipping masons like George Washington. Novus Ordo Seclorum means New World Order.
Those Khazars are not the real Israelites. All the bible prophecies says that the real children of Israel will not be in the land of Israel until the Messiah comes back when the third woe/destruction (aka World War 3) starts. Esau thinks he can get his blessing back by covering up who the real Israelites are, taking their identity from them and using it as their own, then occupying the land. They are fitting right into the prophecies, its working out so beautifully too