Are you really trying to deny it? Its not the first time and its not the last.
Show the evidence...if it's there....I'll apologize...if not...keep it movin.
Are you really trying to deny it? Its not the first time and its not the last.
Show the evidence...if it's there....I'll apologize...if not...keep it movin.
Israel under attack!
Seeing as the only picture was taken by the Israelis, I'm sure you'll dismiss it so I won't bother. Its not like Hamas is going to take pictures of their own weapons to blow up their spot.
Oh, and it was reported by the UN and not the Israelis. I'm sure you have some big conspiracy theory about the UN, but from what I've seen they side with Palestine in this situation so I highly doubt they are trying to fuel the Israeli propaganda machine.
1. What Israelis? IDF?
2. You aren't going to bother cause it's probably a photo from a past event which they use or it doesn't exist.
3. I was speaking on the UNRW taking pics since they claimed it being there.
4. Israel has violated every international and human right laws, why would they side, they haven't done anything to call them out for being a terror state.
1. Yes, I would assume IDF as they are the only ones in Gaza. Do you enjoy posing obvious questions?
2. Nice choice of words saying "probably". You don't know. Theres no reason for the UN to lie about it. They even gave them back the rockets. Seems legit. When theres a pattern in Hamas history of doing similar things, I don't think its too far fetched to assume they would continue employing these tactics but hey you keep on caping for them.
3. Seeing as you already knew about the situation and the pictures, I go back to my original statement of "Is this even a serious question"
4. United Nations is supposed to be a neutral global body meaning they don't side with either party regardless of what that nation has done.
1. The proof should be in the pudding. U.N. lied on Libya and didn't do shyt about the thousands killed in Haiti from the U.N. Cholera outbreak. How hard is it to bring the evidence forward...?
2. Where is the proof?
3. U.N. is created by people who have power and money. It's funded by people with money. There is no such thing as neutral global body if Africans or Latin America can't be apart of the Security Council. Israel has gotten away with genocide 10x over because U.S. is the head of the S.C.
they can't be on the security council because they are fukkin weak
True story. 5 star post.
Don't worry, thekingstard will spin some weird ass angle about power and corruption blah blah blah
Looks like south beachIsrael under attack!
Is that the same reason Israel isn't on the security council because it's fukkin weak?