IDF ground invasion of Gaza( Israel killed 2,700+ Palestinians) (Hamas is victorious)


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
I love how every time op adds updates to the title they turn out not to be true.


May 2, 2012
Mother Russia & Greater Israel
Some of the reasons from the pro-Israel side:

1) Israel provides intelligence to the US at a staggering rate (also steals intel from us and also has terror attacked one of our ships USS Liberty)
2) Israel is the front-line of defense in the region (against whom? and what quality defense is that got smoked by Hezbollah and it seems now Hamas is giving them probs)
3) Israel is the only true functional democracy and secular state in the region (only revelant to spreading western hegemony)
4) Shared values and histories between Israeli Jews/American Jews, who are often both at the same time (meaning there 1st loyalty is to Israel not the USA)
5) Only true ally in the region (With saudi and egypt on the take what does it matter)
6) Israel helps combat the spread of militant Islam (they seem to be inflaming it. What are they doing to stop it)
7) Israel is a natural enemy of Iran (Iran is Israel enemy not ours)
8) Israel has been in a strategic position to take down targets in Iraq and Iran ( i dont think they assisted in either Iraq war. Neither affects american national security)

1) Most intelligence about the Middle East comes from Israel. Not the CIA or NSA. If you don't see the value in that, I can't help you.
2) Israel stays winning wars in the ME. Losing one to Hezbollah doesn't cripple Israel's reach in the area. The same reason fakkots like you wants Russia to have a base in Cuba (proximity to the enemy) is the same reason the US wants Israel where it is.
3) You live in the western world. Get with it or gtfo. Seriously. All you do is spit anti-US and anti-West rhetoric. Why are you still living in the west? Dead serious asking you that.
4) Just your opinion and you seem salty as an outsider.
5) You don't understand geopolitics. Israel is the closest ally the US has outside of the traditional Britain/France connection.
6) I think the extremist Muslim uprising is taking care of that itself though I will say Israel does fan the flames of the fire.
7) Iran was overthrown by the US govt. I'm pretty sure they have a separate beef with the US that has nothing to do with Israel.
8) You don't know shyt do you? Israel supplied the US with many of the locations to bomb in the Gulf War and post 9/11. Israel itself went and bombed Iraq's nuclear plants for the US. Keep trying though.


dizzy yet?


Is it spin when its facts that you're dumbass can google quickly to verify? Enjoy the spin then.


Jul 17, 2013
1) Most intelligence about the Middle East comes from Israel. Not the CIA or NSA. If you don't see the value in that, I can't help you.
there's absolutely no value in that. that's for britain, germany and jews to worry about. israel is the reason the united states is in debt it'll never get out of.
the zionists control america media making us believe there's something for us when it's the complete opposite.

especially when america finds out the rothschild zionists stole the world and american gold and moved it to israel :stopitslime:. which is all what these wars and distractions are all about...

@Domingo Halliburton


The seperation between what's fake and what's real
May 20, 2012
Im just assuming that anti semitism is a given. The holocaust wasn't an isolated incident. That kind of shyt has happened under very different economic, political and social circumstances.

The way I see it, the situation is defined through a paradigm - Any social group without a political home base won't have the infrastructure to combat persecution. This is self evident, in my opinion. All that matters in politics is money, power and alliances.
Either you decline the premise of that, or accept that the creation of a Jewish state was necessary.

You still haven't stated your opinion.. All youve done is dismiss my posts as rhetoric and then try to go down the rabbit hole that is modern Israeli politics... which has nothing to do with our discussion.

Are you saying that the defeat of the Nazi's marked the end of Jewish persecution? Explain yaself
this p
1) Most intelligence about the Middle East comes from Israel. Not the CIA or NSA. If you don't see the value in that, I can't help you.
2) Israel stays winning wars in the ME. Losing one to Hezbollah doesn't cripple Israel's reach in the area. The same reason fakkots like you wants Russia to have a base in Cuba (proximity to the enemy) is the same reason the US wants Israel where it is.
3) You live in the western world. Get with it or gtfo. Seriously. All you do is spit anti-US and anti-West rhetoric. Why are you still living in the west? Dead serious asking you that.
4) Just your opinion and you seem salty as an outsider.
5) You don't understand geopolitics. Israel is the closest ally the US has outside of the traditional Britain/France connection.
6) I think the extremist Muslim uprising is taking care of that itself though I will say Israel does fan the flames of the fire.
7) Iran was overthrown by the US govt. I'm pretty sure they have a separate beef with the US that has nothing to do with Israel.
8) You don't know shyt do you? Israel supplied the US with many of the locations to bomb in the Gulf War and post 9/11. Israel itself went and bombed Iraq's nuclear plants for the US. Keep trying though.

Is it spin when its facts that you're dumbass can google quickly to verify? Enjoy the spin then.

1) Most intelligence about the Middle East comes from Israel. Not the CIA or NSA. If you don't see the value in that, I can't help you. (Mossad is toptier but any intelligence gathered furthers Israels aims not the USA where was this Intel pre 911...) :troll:

2) Israel stays winning wars in the ME. Losing one to Hezbollah doesn't cripple Israel's reach in the area. The same reason fakkots like you wants Russia to have a base in Cuba (proximity to the enemy) is the same reason the US wants Israel where it is. (i dont care I just pointed out that is what russia is doing. The US has no choice in the matter Israel runs the United States Goverment not the other way around):beli:

3) You live in the western world. Get with it or gtfo. Seriously. All you do is spit anti-US and anti-West rhetoric. Why are you still living in the west? Dead serious asking you that. (anti-zionism means anti US? then you must agree that Israel runs the US then):ohhh:

4) Just your opinion and you seem salty as an outsider. (anyone that is born and raised in the US and then goes joins the IDF surely shows where there heart is at...thats why i cant deal with you shills that is just common sense. He cant join the US Army but can join the IDF GTFOH):russ:

5) You don't understand geopolitics. Israel is the closest ally the US has outside of the traditional Britain/France connection. (Israel runs the US of it would be there strongest outside of Britain and France we take their marching orders)

6) I think the extremist Muslim uprising is taking care of that itself though I will say Israel does fan the flames of the fire. (US/Israel arent funding ISIS?) :mjlol:

7) Iran was overthrown by the US govt. I'm pretty sure they have a separate beef with the US that has nothing to do with Israel. (Where are the threats to USA...please post)

8) You don't know shyt do you? Israel supplied the US with many of the locations to bomb in the Gulf War and post 9/11. Israel itself went and bombed Iraq's nuclear plants for the US. Keep trying though. (again Mossad top tier but they cant create greater Israel without dividing Iraq so who was doing whose work here all part of the Yinon Plan)



May 2, 2012
Mother Russia & Greater Israel
there's absolutely no value in that. that's for britain, germany and jews to worry about. israel is the reason the united states is in debt it'll never get out of.
the zionists control america media making us believe there's something for us when it's the complete opposite.

especially when america finds out the rothschild zionists stole the world and american gold and moved it to israel :stopitslime:. which is all what these wars and distractions are all about...

Yeah breh, a war zone is a great place to stash the worlds gold.


May 2, 2012
Mother Russia & Greater Israel
this p

1) Most intelligence about the Middle East comes from Israel. Not the CIA or NSA. If you don't see the value in that, I can't help you. (Mossad is toptier but any intelligence gathered furthers Israels aims not the USA where was this Intel pre 911...) :troll: Some have said that the US govt knew about the plot and allowed it to happen. You're a conspiracy nut, you should know these theories.

2) Israel stays winning wars in the ME. Losing one to Hezbollah doesn't cripple Israel's reach in the area. The same reason fakkots like you wants Russia to have a base in Cuba (proximity to the enemy) is the same reason the US wants Israel where it is. (i dont care I just pointed out that is what russia is doing. The US has no choice in the matter Israel runs the United States Goverment not the other way around)

3) You live in the western world. Get with it or gtfo. Seriously. All you do is spit anti-US and anti-West rhetoric. Why are you still living in the west? Dead serious asking you that. (anti-zionism means anti US? then you must agree that Israel runs the US then):ohhh: Breh you stay on anyones jock that goes against what the West stands for. Don't try to down play it now. You've been on the anti-US (not anti-Jew, not anti-Israel) tip for a while now. Thinking BRICs is gonna actually overthrow the US. :beli:

4) Just your opinion and you seem salty as an outsider. (anyone that is born and raised in the US and then goes joins the IDF surely shows where there heart is at...thats why i cant deal with you shills that is just common sense. He cant join the US Army but can join the IDF GTFOH) A few people doing something doesn't equate to the entire population doing that thing. Way to generalize though.

5) You don't understand geopolitics. Israel is the closest ally the US has outside of the traditional Britain/France connection. (Israel runs the US of it would be there strongest outside of Britain and France we take their marching orders) A mutually beneficial relationship for geopolitics is clearly outside of your grasp of comprehension.

6) I think the extremist Muslim uprising is taking care of that itself though I will say Israel does fan the flames of the fire. (US/Israel arent funding ISIS?) :mjlol:

:insert tinfoil smilie here:

7) Iran was overthrown by the US govt. I'm pretty sure they have a separate beef with the US that has nothing to do with Israel. (Where are the threats to USA...please post)

Iran is in no position to make threats at this point in time. They have in the past.

8) You don't know shyt do you? Israel supplied the US with many of the locations to bomb in the Gulf War and post 9/11. Israel itself went and bombed Iraq's nuclear plants for the US. Keep trying though. (again Mossad top tier but they cant create greater Israel without dividing Iraq so who was doing whose work here all part of the Yinon Plan) Yes just a mass Jew conspiracy. They will slowly take over all of the Arab land from Egypt to Iraq. They will most defiantly expand their land by a factor of 1,000. Absolutly :russ:

Julius Skrrvin

I be winkin' through the scope
May 28, 2012
Some of the reasons from the pro-Israel side:

1) Israel provides intelligence to the US at a staggering rate
2) Israel is the front-line of defense in the region
3) Israel is the only true functional democracy and secular state in the region
4) Shared values and histories between Israeli Jews/American Jews, who are often both at the same time
5) Only true ally in the region
6) Israel helps combat the spread of militant Islam
7) Israel is a natural enemy of Iran
8) Israel has been in a strategic position to take down targets in Iraq and Iran
Don't many Christians also believe that we need israel for the rapture? Eschatology. ..