The money never goes to the black community
Black celebs don't live in the black community or own any buisnesses in the
Black community.
It goes to they family and has no effect on the community at large and never has
It doesn't matter what race black celebs date cause white folks will always profit no matter what
They control and own everything
Exactly. When you hear that “black generational” nonsense, it’s usually from those weirdo LSA type women, living vicariously through Lori Harvey.
They want the “soft life” they see these non-black women getting from male celebrities. It has nothing to do with being pro-black. If it was, there wouldn’t be a “divest” movement.
They want to be able to buy these expensive European bags and clothes, exotic cars, Asian hair shops etc.
The “generational wealth” argument is BS, because as you stated, it will go straight back into non-black hands. So when I see these clowns mad at Brony James for simply dating out, it shows you how delusional they are.
If you’re really about it, start with you and your dating choices instead dikk policing black celebrities.