Real N Quotes
East Is In The House OMG
He got hit with a cease and desist, not only was kading missing, ice, suge, Reggie all failed to mention the bad boy SSC connection but implied it
They talked about that in the doc. That ammo was widely used all over LA, that wasn't rare. At first they thought the ammo was rare cause they based off wholesalers, not regular stores. Then they found out that 6 stores in LA alone carried that specific ammo and that kinda ammo had been recovered in hundreds of murder cases in LA. It wasn't a black impala that Cease and them saw, it was Green. And that Impala was always widely popular. At least 5 people related to the case had that brand Impala.
Snap out of it brehs. The crooked cops pulled off the hit on BIG. Who else could coordinate that light to be red at that EXACT moment

Gene had

The car was right at the corner

An incarcerated Suge and local gang banger aren't pulling that off