no disrespect homie - i think you should revisit that murder rap documentary that you been supporting before posting a bunch of inaccuracies
but lemme drop da facts
and again no diss, even tho you avoided my last reply toward you
it wasn't eugene deal that had named 3 wrong outta 6 suspects, that was some random jail bird nikka whom claimed to be inna cell with someone that had info on biggie murder (the dude was a complete joke and i alwayz was skeptical of why kading spent like 10-15 minutes on this)
but the truth is eugene deal puff body guard was given a photo line up of several suspects, he told the police that the person whom cease ID & approach puff vehicle wasn't on photo line up - i believe he even told them twice, thereafter they told him "well pick the person that most resemble the shooter" so he did... and few years later is when giving another photo line up but this time with amir on it.... he immediately pick him out without any hesitation. so back to greg kading bytch ass and his bullshyt murder rap doc he narratives that eugene picked a different shooter at 1st and says years later the LA times posted a photo of amir muhammed as the a suspect and this influence his decision - deceiving the viewer and not completely explaining the whole entire story is what makes kading as fukking scum bag.
and what do you mean lil cease ID someone else - he was the one that described the shooter for the police to draw this image
Exactly what i was typing before I read your post. FreshAIG got it a little mixed up.
-Lil Cease did the sketch for the police few weeks after Biggie's murder
-One of the Head of Security for Bad Boy was an Inglewood Police officer, who was there at Peterson Museum also Identified Amir Muhammed being present.
-Eugene Deal identified him, along with several other witnesses.
The LAPD used Greg Gading to pin it on a dead Gang-Member to avoid a catastrophic lawsuit from the Wallace Family.