ICE conducts largest raid in history. 680 arrested.

May 1, 2012
1. Blacks used those jobs to raise a generation of families. The most important cases of labor equality were blacks working these "dead end jobs" trying to secure their freedom in the Supreme Court and in various landmark legal cases. Don't act like you wouldn't have family in these dead end jobs trying to make ends meet.

2. No one is relegating or capping black labor access to these jobs. Its about securing access to these jobs across the spectrum for those who want to work.
the same Blacks, like the farmers in the Koch familt sh!tted on.. the same Blakc families, who never worked for those companies en masse..? you sound stupid.. :camby:

2. having access to a job, doesnt determine if ones GETS the job.. they could fire every illegal-immigrant in Winston-Salem right now.. they aint handing out them jobs to Black folks.. only a complete moron would think so..

you trying to go work on a farm in Mississippi..? how do you plan to get all these Black folks there, if they do get jobs..? you providing transportation..? housing + deposit, if they need to move closer to said job..?

if yo say no to either.. and, you have the means.. what about those who DONT have the means..? fukkin moron.. :camby:


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Dirty Secret

Down South aka Nu Africa has growing Mexican enclaves. They’re in ATL, Mississippi, Virginia etc

With their numbers rising black people have to be careful in regards to what the future holds
Wait till the Spanish language requirement sets in :mjlit:

@Raymond Burrr @Red Shield @Michael's Black Son @Trajan @Sukairain @YouMadd? @SupremexKing @#1 pick @Clutch Robinson @Cat piss martini @AndroidHero @Pirius Black @ba'al @panopticon @johnedwarduado @Little Foot


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
the same Blacks, like the farmers in the Koch familt sh!tted on.. the same Blakc families, who never worked for those companies en masse..? you sound stupid.. :camby:

2. having access to a job, doesnt determine if ones GETS the job.. they could fire every illegal-immigrant in Winston-Salem right now.. they aint handing out them jobs to Black folks.. only a complete moron would think so..

you trying to go work on a farm in Mississippi..? how do you plan to get all these Black folks there, if they do get jobs..? you providing transportation..? housing + deposit, if they need to move closer to said job..?

if yo say no to either.. and, you have the means.. what about those who DONT have the means..? fukkin moron.. :camby:
Actually, they would hand those jobs to black labor.

Who do you think did these jobs? with legal wages and benefits?

All you have are excuses to avoid giving black labor these jobs.

Bruh ain't you in Los Angeles?

How do you respond to this?


Yall gonna learn :sas1:

Black workers in Los Angeles face a 'jobs crisis,' UCLA report says
Black workers in Los Angeles face a 'jobs crisis,' UCLA report says
By Natalie Kitroeff

4 minutes

Black people living in Los Angeles County have been more likely than the rest of the population to remain unemployed or to drop out of the workforce altogether in the wake of the 2007-09 recession, according to a new report conducted by UCLA.

Black workers have lost blue-collar jobs at about the same rate as whites in the county, but seem to be less likely to find replacement work, according to the UCLA analysis.

Seventeen percent of black workers were unemployed on average from 2011 to 2014, compared with 9% of white workers, according to the report, published Tuesday in conjunction with the Los Angeles Black Worker Center.

A quarter of black workers who had a high school degree or less were unemployed, compared with 14% of white workers.

Education helped bridge that gap, but didn’t erase it. Nine percent of black workers with at least a bachelor’s degree were unemployed over that period, compared with 7% of white Angelenos.

“Los Angeles is in the throes of a Black jobs crisis,” the report says.

The lack of work is part of the reason many black residents have abandoned Los Angeles altogether, at a time when the county’s population boomed, the report says. The black population in the county plunged by 122,032 people from 1980 to 2014, according to the report. The county has gained around 2.5 million residents overall during that time.

In the meantime, black workers have flocked to the Inland Empire, which includes Riverside and San Bernardino counties. Those counties gained a combined 260,494 black residents from 1980 to 2014.

“Black workers are often the last hired and first fired,” says Lola Smallwood Cuevas, the founder of the Los Angeles Black Worker Center. “If we don’t address the crisis, we will have a city and a county where there are no black workers.”

Construction has offered a lot of new jobs to Angelenos over the last several decades, but those positions don’t seem to be going to black workers. There were 7,012 black workers in construction in 2014, 2,000 fewer than there were in 1980, according to census data analyzed by UCLA.

That 23% drop compares with an overall increase of 120,840 construction workers of all races during those 34 years, or 80%.

Those new jobs aren’t going to white workers, either. There were nearly 40,000 fewer white construction workers in Los Angeles in 2014 compared with 1980, a decline of about 40%.

Latinos, however, have significantly upped their representation. There were more than 185,000 Latino construction workers in Los Angeles in 2014, five times as many as there were in 1980.

Manufacturing has been slashing jobs in the county over the last three decades. The number of black and white Angelenos in manufacturing declined by the same rate — about 77% — from 1980 to 2014. Latinos also lost some ground, but their ranks shrank by only 5% over the same period.

“The way that we heard in the Rust Belt we lost middle-class manufacturing jobs, you could say the same for black workers here in L.A.,” says Saba Waheed, a researcher at the UCLA Labor Center who co-authored the study.

@Raymond Burrr @Red Shield @Michael's Black Son @Trajan @Sukairain @YouMadd? @SupremexKing @#1 pick @Clutch Robinson @Cat piss martini @AndroidHero @Pirius Black @ba'al @panopticon @johnedwarduado @Little Foot


May 7, 2012
The coli brings out the stupidest people. This job was not a good working class job. You just want daps by saying this stupid shyt. Where on this earth can you support your family on 7.25? That’s 290 before taxes. Let’s say the company raises the pay to 11.00 an hour 440 before taxes for a family of 3 is good enough to support your family? You going to feed and give them a better opportunity with that right?
White people have done a real job on mindless people out here. You got people really falling in-line with this back in my day bullshyt of working dead end jobs forever. You got people saying any wages is better than no wages so getting scraps is acceptable. Being in last place is a win now? Accepting low pay without no chance to pay for school or anything to advance you or family is the move. Stop with the fantasy, working low wage jobs will get us nowhere and that’s what whites want.

Lol how do you think the pay even got stagnated at 7.25 all these years?

You talk about stupid people on here but a lot of yall uppity nikkas don't understand simple economics and things like collective bargaining. Simple shyt like employer vs employee leverage.

If everybody went out and got stem degrees tomorrow do you know what would happen? The increased labor pool for a finite amount of jobs would drive wages down. Like Boeing I think, using indian engineers and paying them 15 dollars an hour. Without those crashes, this practice might have caught on and all those people with computer engineering degrees and dreams of making 6 figures would be fukked.

That's why human services jobs pay like shyt, because women flock to them in droves so employers have leverage that someone will take the job for whatever they ask.

STEM pays well because most people don't wanna put in the hard work to get a STEM degree so there are less qualified employees than there are jobs. The employees have leverage so the pay has to be raised.

Illegals have no bargaining rights and no channels to go through to ensure fair pay, but I'll put you on to another trick they do. 2 or 3 of them will work a job under the same name. So even with the low wages they'll have like 60 hours of overtime on top of their regular 40 and they'll do this at multiple jobs so it evens out.

Reading the shyt some of y'all say and getting insight into how you think really sheds a light on why black people are so far behind economically.

Y'all don't even understand the game you're playing.
May 1, 2012
black people used to work all up and down the service industry and RAISED FAMILIES on those wages.

Thats how you know all of these dudes ain't black and/or are bougie themselves.

A lot of yall really want to just make all black workers six-figure IT workers or to just be assed out of ANY labor opportunity
its 2019.. not even $12/hr, is supporting no damn family..

you making it seem like these illegal-immigrants banking/making a living wage off these jobs.. when in reality, most of them live on average 6-10 WORKING people in a house..


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
its 2019.. not even $12/hr, is supporting no damn family..

you making it seem like these illegal-immigrants banking/making a living wage off these jobs.. when in reality, most of them live on average 6-10 WORKING people in a house..
who cares what it supports?

Yall keep talking about raising the minimum wage then talking about what it supports.

Whats it gonna be? :gucci:

Its enough for MILLIONS of illegals, then its a start for millions of BLACK CITIZENS.

Stop moving the goalposts.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
How yall wanna start talking about the value of minimum wage when black workers comes up?

I swear the disdain for black labor is just so fukking ironic when its time to actually employ the most chronically unemployed people in the country! :mindblown:

What the hell is happening?! :dahell:

No one "hates" illegals...but this shyt is just economics. How is anyone supposed to even say, yo...what about us? Black labor is just supposed to grin and bear it? Even as language requirements get added? We're just supposed to stay so far on the bottom we can't even get SOME legal wage?

So we're supposed to take nothing over something???

Remember, democrat politicians USED TO SUPPORT ANTI-ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION POLICIES even 5 years ago!

You mean Barack Obama and Bernie Sanders are radicals now?

Some of yall are really confusing me.

Let me be clear. I do not have any disdain for illegal immigrants. I wish them well. I don't wish them any harm.

But how many stories of black labor being discriminated against am I supposed to just shrug at?

This ICE raid happened in a state that's in the TOP 3 for black unemployment!

@Raymond Burrr @Red Shield @Michael's Black Son @Trajan @Sukairain @YouMadd? @SupremexKing @#1 pick @Clutch Robinson @Cat piss martini @AndroidHero @Pirius Black @ba'al @panopticon @johnedwarduado @Little Foot
May 1, 2012
Actually, they would hand those jobs to black labor.

Who do you think did these jobs? with legal wages and benefits?

All you have are excuses to avoid giving black labor these jobs.

Bruh ain't you in Los Angeles?

How do you respond to this?


Yall gonna learn :sas1:

Black workers in Los Angeles face a 'jobs crisis,' UCLA report says
Black workers in Los Angeles face a 'jobs crisis,' UCLA report says
By Natalie Kitroeff

4 minutes

Black people living in Los Angeles County have been more likely than the rest of the population to remain unemployed or to drop out of the workforce altogether in the wake of the 2007-09 recession, according to a new report conducted by UCLA.

Black workers have lost blue-collar jobs at about the same rate as whites in the county, but seem to be less likely to find replacement work, according to the UCLA analysis.

Seventeen percent of black workers were unemployed on average from 2011 to 2014, compared with 9% of white workers, according to the report, published Tuesday in conjunction with the Los Angeles Black Worker Center.

A quarter of black workers who had a high school degree or less were unemployed, compared with 14% of white workers.

Education helped bridge that gap, but didn’t erase it. Nine percent of black workers with at least a bachelor’s degree were unemployed over that period, compared with 7% of white Angelenos.

“Los Angeles is in the throes of a Black jobs crisis,” the report says.

The lack of work is part of the reason many black residents have abandoned Los Angeles altogether, at a time when the county’s population boomed, the report says. The black population in the county plunged by 122,032 people from 1980 to 2014, according to the report. The county has gained around 2.5 million residents overall during that time.

In the meantime, black workers have flocked to the Inland Empire, which includes Riverside and San Bernardino counties. Those counties gained a combined 260,494 black residents from 1980 to 2014.

“Black workers are often the last hired and first fired,” says Lola Smallwood Cuevas, the founder of the Los Angeles Black Worker Center. “If we don’t address the crisis, we will have a city and a county where there are no black workers.”

Construction has offered a lot of new jobs to Angelenos over the last several decades, but those positions don’t seem to be going to black workers. There were 7,012 black workers in construction in 2014, 2,000 fewer than there were in 1980, according to census data analyzed by UCLA.

That 23% drop compares with an overall increase of 120,840 construction workers of all races during those 34 years, or 80%.

Those new jobs aren’t going to white workers, either. There were nearly 40,000 fewer white construction workers in Los Angeles in 2014 compared with 1980, a decline of about 40%.

Latinos, however, have significantly upped their representation. There were more than 185,000 Latino construction workers in Los Angeles in 2014, five times as many as there were in 1980.

Manufacturing has been slashing jobs in the county over the last three decades. The number of black and white Angelenos in manufacturing declined by the same rate — about 77% — from 1980 to 2014. Latinos also lost some ground, but their ranks shrank by only 5% over the same period.

“The way that we heard in the Rust Belt we lost middle-class manufacturing jobs, you could say the same for black workers here in L.A.,” says Saba Waheed, a researcher at the UCLA Labor Center who co-authored the study.

@Raymond Burrr @Red Shield @Michael's Black Son @Trajan @Sukairain @YouMadd? @SupremexKing @#1 pick @Clutch Robinson @Cat piss martini @AndroidHero @Pirius Black @ba'al @panopticon @johnedwarduado @Little Foot

what the fukk this supposed to mean.. a HUGE portion of Los Angeles PERIOD, is HOMELESS.. your dumb ass probably thinks its because of illegal-immigrants.. :mjlol:

and, the same thing just happened n ATL.. wasnt there some thread on here, about folsk with degrees wo couldnt find jobs in their fields(one particularly, who was upset he had to work in Wendys.. :gucci:)

where all these jobs at for all the Black folks, in the so-called "Black Mecca".. cant blame that on illegals, tho.. dont fit your narrative.. :unimpressed:


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
what the fukk this supposed to mean.. a HUGE portion of Los Angeles PERIOD, is HOMELESS.. your dumb ass probably thinks its because of illegal-immigrants.. :mjlol:

and, the same thing just happened n ATL.. wasnt there some thread on here, about folsk with degrees wo couldnt find jobs in their fields(one particularly, who was upset he had to work in Wendys.. :gucci:)

where all these jobs at for all the Black folks, in the so-called "Black Mecca".. cant blame that on illegals, tho.. dont fit your narrative.. :unimpressed:
argue with Coretta Scott King:

Coretta Scott King was against illegal immigration:

Remember this guy? Senator Barack Obama in 2005:
Obama’s 2005 remarks reflect strong stance on controlling immigration
Sen Barack Obama Illegal Immigration | User Clip | FULL CLIP:
Sen. Barack Obama on Illegal Immigration |

Bernie Sanders said illegal immigrants hurt domestic workers his whole career until he wanted to run for president: Sanders and immigration? It's complicated
Bernie Sanders in 2015: Bernie Sanders Against Open Borders: "Would Substantially Lower Wages In This Country"

Democrat Representative Barbara Jordan in 1995:

@Raymond Burrr @Red Shield @Michael's Black Son @Trajan @Sukairain @YouMadd? @SupremexKing @#1 pick @Clutch Robinson @Cat piss martini @AndroidHero @Pirius Black @ba'al @panopticon @johnedwarduado @Little Foot
Dec 1, 2013
How yall wanna start talking about the value of minimum wage when black workers comes up?

I swear the disdain for black labor is just so fukking ironic when its time to actually employ the most chronically unemployed people in the country! :mindblown:

What the hell is happening?! :dahell:

No one "hates" illegals...but this shyt is just economics. How is anyone supposed to even say, yo...what about us? Black labor is just supposed to grin and bear it? Even as language requirements get added? We're just supposed to stay so far on the bottom we can't even get SOME legal wage?

So we're supposed to take nothing over something???

Remember, democrat politicians USED TO SUPPORT ANTI-ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION POLICIES even 5 years ago!

You mean Barack Obama and Bernie Sanders are radicals now?

Some of yall are really confusing me.

Let me be clear. I do not have any disdain for illegal immigrants. I wish them well. I don't wish them any harm.

But how many stories of black labor being discriminated against am I supposed to just shrug at?

This ICE raid happened in a state that's in the TOP 3 for black unemployment!

@Raymond Burrr @Red Shield @Michael's Black Son @Trajan @Sukairain @YouMadd? @SupremexKing @#1 pick @Clutch Robinson @Cat piss martini @AndroidHero @Pirius Black @ba'al @panopticon @johnedwarduado @Little Foot

Hear hear.