Would you put Foley's HHH matches over Foley's matches with Rock, Austin, Taker, Kane and Edge?
But I believe I see your point on this part. Everyone in wrestling that is iconic almost has that one legendary rival and fued that defined their career and raised the bar. Its to the point that the two become synonymous with each other.
Sting/Flair, Hogan/Macho Man, Bret/HBK, Austin/Rock.... To be 100% honest, The Rock was SUPPOSED to be HHH's historic rival but Rock pretty much surpassed him when his rivalry with Austin took over the WWE. HHH was someone who never had anyone left to define his legacy UNTIL Foley stepped up and honestly, I believe he has ALWAYS resented that. HHH always wanted to have his iconic rival to be a huge figure and a memorable presence because it would validate himself even more, but instead he got validated by a FoleyNSick Hardcore wrestler that is more known for taking a beating than his technical prowlness. A guy as insecure as HHH has to lose sleep over something like that.
And as far as those wrestler's you named giving people their best matches...
Austin argubly gave Angle, Rock, HHH and Jericho some of their best matches and his WM13 match with Bret was the best match EITHER of them ever had.
Hogan, he never had great technical matches, but he definately had some of the most memorable matches in history with Andre, Macho Man, The Rock, Goldberg and Sting.
Cena, love him or hate him but his matches with Edge and CM Punk were pretty good, but I don't really put him on that upper tier yes. Tho HBK gave Cena HIS best match. :smugcena:
Taker gave a LOT of people their best matches ever, having that quarterly wrestling schedule helps, but he might have given HBK his best match ever AND you can't knock his matches with Foley, Kane, Austin and HHH.