Why were the men following her on the bus when she sat down then? Why did she tell the men to get off of her so she could see Tyler after he blew his jaw off? How was she able to receive the money from selling the clothes she ripped off from the laundry mat before exchanging numbers with Tyler? How did he get inside her apartment if she didnt exist?
How did Tyler burn the hands of Project Mayhem members with lye? How did he organize a massive network of fight clubs across the country? How did he have sex with Marla? How did he have a soap company?
Who else ASIDE from members of Project Mayhem to whom I already proven were figments of the narrator's imagination did Marla interact with? Those are the same guys that interacted with Tyler TOO. Also, why are you acting like the narrator doesn't play out his actions through Tyler and Tyler interacts with real people too, like with the mob boss for example? So her getting money from the the lady at the thrift store means nothing, especially she never actually SPOKE to the lady.
You're correct that Project Mayhem members do not exist. There's a whole section being posted soon that details a lot more about it.