SadlyAnd I'm willing to bet most of those were on every other console except xbox
It’s the “mainstream” oneOh....so nnnnoooowwwwwww Persona isn't a "weirdo weibo game"?
Well thank goodness it finally got that MS stamp of approval.
For a moment there I was thinking we would never see Persona 6
it didn't hit the mainstream big time in the U.S. till 5 dropped. it was more niche catering to hardcore jrpg enthusiasts for most its lifespan. bet half its players sleep with them life size anime girl pillows on some weirdo shyt. Persona series been @winb83 certified.It’s the “mainstream” one
you gotta realize that not everyone is gonna buy another console to play certain games. people that don't consider themselves a hardcore JRPG fan, might want to try the Final Fantasy 7 RemakeNo I’m saying if you care about a game like that and other JRPGs then an Xbox isn’t your only console. People who exclusively game on an Xbox are somewhat indifferent to such games.
Check the thread starter. I bet they own a PlayStation. No JRPG fans would strand themselves only on an Xbox.
fixedSlow day at the car wash Titan ?
Doesn't matter if they are free or not.
Apparently "xbots" will play jrpgs if they were brought over. Especially quality ones.