Mr. Somebody
Friend Of A Friend
Legendarily lackluster.
Since when does popularity give you legend status
Capitol you're a fokkin idiot and one of the worst posters on here b
Drake's a good pop artist, but being a legendary pop artist is even harder than being a legendary rapper. Now he's competing with Elvis, The Beatles, Michael Jackson, Prince, and Stevie Wonder
I don't wanna argue with u maf*ckaz no more.
U say he is a legend fine.
Let's see him go diamond. If he is that good, he will do it, when it is impossible.
Like every other REAL LEGEND.
drake is a talented rapper that makes beyond wack pop singles singin and sympin... for females and fakkits...
so the answer to the thread, no he is not
Why can't you set aside your personal feelings aside and just look at em for what he is? I never once said I thought he albums were classics or I fukked with him heavy. Everything I said was either facts or based on the general perception
U seen him live and think he's nice?
So many ppl say he's balls live. even his biggest fans.
Legendarily lackluster.
omg...this dude capitol..smh, between MBDTF being a classic and saying Drake will be legendary...this is why I say I cant stand rap fans