Lol super c00n
only dates white men
says she'll never date a black man cause they're ghetto
you just gotta read it brehs its too crazy to explain
HOCO Maryland, Stand up!Oh goodness. This child lives near me.
She's Ghanaian?
There were several black females like her at the high school that I went to (which was like 90% white). I've said it before, and I'll say it again--when you live in the suburbs, as a black person, you either isolate yourself from your surroundings (what I did) or you assimilate and basically become a white person trapped inside a black person's body. I'm used to crazy girls like her. I do think the fact that her father is ill obviously has contributed to the way she acts.
Smash or Pass: Bedwench Edition?
We as Black Men have to stop worrying about what these bedwenches want (sexually)
We know for a fact if a decent Black man with a little big of 'swag' came her way then she'll fall for him and ditch those white boys
But what I don't like for the fact is the ghetto part
Their are at least 800 million black men on this planet and to call all of them ghetto just proves the brainwashing that the African Mind has went through during slavery and the effect that the media has on people
Like hitler said If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.