People do the same shyt to Earth, Wind, and Fire lol. People think it’s empty cookout music but miss out on the lyrics and other songs on the albums.
EWF songs, outside of the singles, were all about Afrocentricity, Black empowerment, loving other black people, Pan-Africanism, group preservation, dealing with depression/stress, mysticism, natural healing, meditation, all kinds of shyt. All everybody remembers is the “Ba-Dee-ya’s” and “Way-ohhs”. War is the same way, people just recall the chorus. A lot of music from that time is super deep, catchy, and relatable, in all the best ways.
Beautifully said. I’m so glad mom and pops put me onto the classics when I was a kid. I listen to devotion several times a week because of my mom.
Such a smooth and powerful song