I might have to break up with my new girl over this “opening the car door” thing

Mr Hate Coffee

Apr 30, 2012
DISCLAIMER:* I’m a gentleman by nature and have no problem opening the doors to any place/building/domicile.


Okay, here's the deal.* I’m finally over my old chick and I got a new girl.* COOL.* I like ol' girl,i really do.* but I HATE HAVING TO OPEN THE CAR DOOR FOR HER EVERY TIME WE GO SOMEWHERE!! :damn:


It all started on our first date, I went to my car door and she says “So… you’re not going to open my door for me?”* I thought to myself “Oh you’re one of THOSE aren’t you?”* But I did it.* Why?* Because f*ck it, it was a date and I was still in impress mode.




We go on a few more dates and she keeps it up.* I forget all the time but realize when I go to my door and she’s just standing there that I need to open the door.* FINE.* Not the biggest deal in the world.* But here’s the kicker.* So we’re going to the park for a picnic one day and I open the door and all that, we BOTH get in the car, and she runs back in the house because she forgot something.* She comes back to the door and stands outside.* WTF!?!?* :damn:* So I unbuckle my seatbelt, get out, walk to her side and open the door.* All while giving her the :rudy: face.* All she does is give me a lil girlish smile and mouth “sorry”




So we’ve been dating for a few months and she keeps this shyt up.* I had no plans for a relationship so I was like :yeshrug:.* But then at some point things got kinda serious.* FINE.* So now I find myself in a relationship and opening the door ALL THE TIME.* It irritates me because its not an expression of love.* Its just a silly act.* Like we could just be going to the gym or something and she’ll expect me to open her damn door.*



PROBLEM: * Ol’ girl wants me to open the door for her to get in the car.* And open it for her when we get out.* EVERYTIME, no exceptions.

MY STEPS TOWARD A SOLUTION: * I brought it up when we were having a serious conversation about the relationship.* I told her I don’t like doing it and I don’t see the point.* Her response “But if you know it makes me happy why not just do it?”* My retort “Because it’s silly and nobody else does this.* Your mom and dad are happily married and your mom opens her own damn car door!”* I dropped it after that cause it was her bday and I didn’t want to sour the mood.


MY COMPROMISE: * I’ve asked to do it only on dates and stated that I should do it by my own accord.


How can I fix this situation brehs?* Its minor but I can see it driving me crazy enough to breakup with her later on.* Am I screwed?* I feel like its still early enough in the relationship for me to temper any expectations.* I asked my homegirl and she was like “You should do it because it makes her happy.”* :rudy:* fukk that.* I’m an adult and I believe in compromise and reciprocity.* I don’t ask her to do anything out of the ordinary to make me happy.


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Crosstown Beef
May 11, 2012
Open it and the second she steps a foot out, slam it shut.

fukk her, bytch obviously thinks she's the shyt and will expect you to do everything for her in the future and the moment you DON'T ... :sadcam: for you.


May 8, 2012
Also, fukk the "if you know it makes me happy, then why don't you just do it?" argument.

What if I enjoy it when women smear Land O'Lakes butter on their a$$holes? If it makes me happy, why don't they just do it?


Bottom line this bytch. "Baby, I understand the value of chivalry, but it's ridiculous for me to open the door for you every time we go to a Kroger. If you can't open the door for yourself occasionally, then obviously you don't want to be in the car with me at all. I'll open it for you on dates and when we go to meet company/family. Not every time we have to go anywhere. Chivalry is a gift not an entitlement."