I Know Who The Leader of The Dark Order Is

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
1) I don't have any disdain for Daniels at all. Problem is he has a grand total of 3 months as the main champ of a promotion that matters, and it happened long after it would have meant something. If Daniels was a multiple time Heavyweight Champ with TNA and ROH, then there could be an argument for it. But Daniels has never once been the face of any promotion he's been a part of and to make him the first champ of a company that has a weekly primetime nationally televised show is beyond stupid and would have been borderline suicidal for a new company.

2) Moxley's loose cannon character in AEW does not mesh with an act like Dark Order (which screams Dungeon of Doom 2020) at all. Anyone with a lick of common sense will say that; there is absolutely nothing in Mox's current character that has anything in common with Dark Order.

first off again.

we watch this indy shyt because of Daniels, period.
you keep talking some who got the strap shyt.
like you so attached to wwe.
you do not understand quality of draw.
Daniels is how we got this whole smart shyt tok.
as wrestling with shadows is also about Daniels.
he is the cog left out of the attitude wcw era.
which is why he indies exist.

you keep talking but you showing you have no idea wtf you talking about.

Moxley is not some great indie legacy or wwe guy.
where his character is set in stone.
he is the only character, making conspiracy accusations about the talent and feels like someone in the admin arena is out to get him.
the darkorder is running around and threatening takeover.

who else on roster has a character, look, motive, to match that, but moxley.
if it is someone else, who could carry what potentially the dark order is on roster lemme know.
as Moxley is the only guy and real talk.
his gimmick is what if mankind was a generic bretcold mashup, down to the music.
it does not work past that and has no legs.
if you make him the leader of the dark order it makes sense.
as his sweetspot is being the vocal leader of a group.
trying to make it like someone else on roster in aew could lead the dark order.
other than moxley is a complete mistake.

art barr

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
If it was Kevin Sullivan and they go extra with it could pop off, all they have to do is frame it as his past and he's cine to put on the next generation to continue then have a guy with huge potential booked strong to join them.

Kevin Sullivan is not a draw on television and offers no upside in draw.

just like arn Anderson not setting up to swerve Cody is a nondraw.
Cody should have lost to darby allin on Monday.
to kick off arn and fully making way to steal aew from Cody on some remake the horsemen stable.
you could even bring in ric later on to get over a long term bubble swerve.
instead, I am looking at a Rhodes kick it with an Anderson and it was stoopid as fukk.

especially to bury the guy who should have the strap in allin.

real talk,... Allin should have beat Jericho somewhere in these first weeks to be the sudden shakeup champion.

allin is the potential breakout star of aew.

if aew would get out of their own ass.
to stop trying to book themselves in a good light.
only Brandi Rhodes makes sense in aew.
the rest of it has no direction.

art barr

The Ruler 09

Jul 14, 2012
Kevin Sullivan is not a draw on television and offers no upside in draw.

just like arn Anderson not setting up to swerve Cody is a nondraw.
Cody should have lost to darby allin on Monday.
to kick off arn and fully making way to steal aew from Cody on some remake the horsemen stable.
you could even bring in ric later on to get over a long term bubble swerve.
instead, I am looking at a Rhodes kick it with an Anderson and it was stoopid as fukk.

especially to bury the guy who should have the strap in allin.

real talk,... Allin should have beat Jericho somewhere in these first weeks to be the sudden shakeup champion.

allin is the potential breakout star of aew.

if aew would get out of their own ass.
to stop trying to book themselves in a good light.
only Brandi Rhodes makes sense in aew.
the rest of it has no direction.

art barr

That's true, I'm thinking from more of a character perspective and a believability perspective, he has a history of having dark gimmicks, some people even think he killed Benoit. So I was thinking maybe he could be somewhat of a Paul Bearer to a new talents Undertaker, the voice on the mic to get it over for a while. Kevin did some edgy shyt back in the day, he likes the gimmick/story side of it which may help AEW. Would have to be somebody fitting joining and booked strong but could have potential if that was the case. Sometimes shyt like that catches on if people can believe it, some people in real life think Kevin Sullivan is satanic so it wouldn't be a stretch to see on TV.

I like Allen, I see an upside him too, I haven't caught the recent episodes of AEW yet, gonna try catch up soon.

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
That's true, I'm thinking from more of a character perspective and a believability perspective, he has a history of having dark gimmicks, some people even think he killed Benoit. So I was thinking maybe he could be somewhat of a Paul Bearer to a new talents Undertaker, the voice on the mic to get it over for a while. Kevin did some edgy shyt back in the day, he likes the gimmick/story side of it which may help AEW. Would have to be somebody fitting joining and booked strong but could have potential if that was the case. Sometimes shyt like that catches on if people can believe it, some people in real life think Kevin Sullivan is satanic so it wouldn't be a stretch to see on TV.

I like Allen, I see an upside him too, I haven't caught the recent episodes of AEW yet, gonna try catch up soon.

in premise, Sullivan works in idea.
yet he just has no traction or relevance to pull it off.

a sullivan type works, but Kevin Sullivan would not work tho.
just like arn Anderson serves no purpose to Cody because they have not told the audience who arn is.
if they told the history of arn and the Rhodes with emphasis on that it could work as a heel swerve for arn.
to make Cody the bf he could be. Yet to have cody be with arn makes no sense. If arn is just a coach and is not gonna play up the Rhodes/horsemen issue and tease a swerve with tully.

there is a kevin Sullivan type out there.
I forgot his name but i do not think he would work.
he was abyss's manager for a while and i wanna say turns up on tna every now and then as a throw back character to some unfocused direction based time in their history as well.
aew could hit the same pitfalls of tna.
if they never establish how and why this type of character exists in the aew universe. Aew needs to establish direction and a reason we need to tune in.
it can not continue as this indie showcase on national tv.
or it will fail.

they are missing out on what hurts every new promotion.
never establishing why this promotion is what it is.
or getting away from how the promotion has its genesis.

art barr
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Uncle Phil 36

All Star
Feb 24, 2014
I haven’t been able to watch the past few weeks, is Dark Order not the same tag team with Evil Uno and the other guy from the beginning?

Is there a mystery as to who is leading it like in a mask or is it who is behind them?

Reality Check

Keepin' it 100
May 2, 2012
first off again.

we watch this indy shyt because of Daniels, period.
you keep talking some who got the strap shyt.
like you so attached to wwe.
you do not understand quality of draw.
Daniels is how we got this whole smart shyt tok.
as wrestling with shadows is also about Daniels.
he is the cog left out of the attitude wcw era.
which is why he indies exist.

you keep talking but you showing you have no idea wtf you talking about.

Moxley is not some great indie legacy or wwe guy.
where his character is set in stone.
he is the only character, making conspiracy accusations about the talent and feels like someone in the admin arena is out to get him.
the darkorder is running around and threatening takeover.

who else on roster has a character, look, motive, to match that, but moxley.
if it is someone else, who could carry what potentially the dark order is on roster lemme know.
as Moxley is the only guy and real talk.
his gimmick is what if mankind was a generic bretcold mashup, down to the music.
it does not work past that and has no legs.
if you make him the leader of the dark order it makes sense.
as his sweetspot is being the vocal leader of a group.
trying to make it like someone else on roster in aew could lead the dark order.
other than moxley is a complete mistake.

art barr

I keep talking about being the face of a promotion because as champ....you are...the face...of the fukking promotion. But since that obvious point isn't sinking in, let's move on to quality of draw. When in Daniels career has he been a solo draw? He was never a solo draw in TNA and never a solo draw in ROH. So I'm supposed to believe that Daniels will all of a sudden be a draw and the individual to base your company around? Get the fukk out of here with that bullshyt. Daniels is in a great spot at this point in his career working in a Tag Team and being the Head of Talent Relations for AEW. Based on how Jericho is carrying himself as champ overall (his in-ring work has slid but that's to be expected with his alcoholic absentee rocker dad gimmick he has), it would have been an utter joke and complete disaster to have Christopher Daniels be the inaugural champ.

You're about as wrong about Moxley as you are about about Daniels but at least I'll give you credit for....

you keep talking but you showing you have no idea wtf you talking about.

Recognizing your own shortcomings here by projecting.


Apr 10, 2015
If it’s Khan this thing is done done :lolbron::russ:



Apr 10, 2015
first off again.

we watch this indy shyt because of Daniels, period.
you keep talking some who got the strap shyt.
like you so attached to wwe.
you do not understand quality of draw.
Daniels is how we got this whole smart shyt tok.
as wrestling with shadows is also about Daniels.
he is the cog left out of the attitude wcw era.
which is why he indies exist.

you keep talking but you showing you have no idea wtf you talking about.

Moxley is not some great indie legacy or wwe guy.
where his character is set in stone.
he is the only character, making conspiracy accusations about the talent and feels like someone in the admin arena is out to get him.
the darkorder is running around and threatening takeover.

who else on roster has a character, look, motive, to match that, but moxley.
if it is someone else, who could carry what potentially the dark order is on roster lemme know.
as Moxley is the only guy and real talk.
his gimmick is what if mankind was a generic bretcold mashup, down to the music.
it does not work past that and has no legs.
if you make him the leader of the dark order it makes sense.
as his sweetspot is being the vocal leader of a group.
trying to make it like someone else on roster in aew could lead the dark order.
other than moxley is a complete mistake.

art barr

Moxley is already red hot as a face, and you don't want to turn faces if you the fans aren't making you. You want to keep rolling them out as a good guy so they can make you that money. This would be one of the dumbest booking decisions ever. Also Moxley's character has been pushed as a "lone wolf" type, so putting him in a group would immediately erase any work they've done on his persona since they started.

It will be a surprise heel debut, or a face the fans aren't sticking to, (example but not my choice: adam page)

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
I keep talking about being the face of a promotion because as champ....you are...the face...of the fukking promotion. But since that obvious point isn't sinking in, let's move on to quality of draw. When in Daniels career has he been a solo draw? He was never a solo draw in TNA and never a solo draw in ROH. So I'm supposed to believe that Daniels will all of a sudden be a draw and the individual to base your company around? Get the fukk out of here with that bullshyt. Daniels is in a great spot at this point in his career working in a Tag Team and being the Head of Talent Relations for AEW. Based on how Jericho is carrying himself as champ overall (his in-ring work has slid but that's to be expected with his alcoholic absentee rocker dad gimmick he has), it would have been an utter joke and complete disaster to have Christopher Daniels be the inaugural champ.

You're about as wrong about Moxley as you are about about Daniels but at least I'll give you credit for....

Recognizing your own shortcomings here by projecting.

the problem is you as a person talking about wrestling and you still don't know wtf you are talembout. I

first off Jericho's gimmick makes no sense to launching an indie heroes who saved wrasslin's promotion.
as it has no prevalent story.
as to why aew is even on tv.
or why Jericho is the guy to be champ at all.
as it has no prevalent origin story to the indies period.
we have no idea that Jericho was the painmaker as a new gateway viewer.
as a new casual, you may have never seen Jericho before ever in yo life. Second they never show how or why Jericho is Jericho.
which by word of mouth from a casual seeking to find from another casual. Is a complete I dunno.
as nowhere in aew's tv show.
has Jericho had anything that shows why he is tha guy.
plenty of wrasslin shows air and launch on big dial to the little dial to cable to online and tv.
yet they all fail.
simply because they never show you.
why that champion and the promotion exists.
the reason why Daniels needed to be champ and still needs to be champ.
is simply to give aew direction and an autonomous origin story.
that makes relevent sense in scope.
to how all this arose is through Daniels.

As once again,..Daniels is also the missing cog of the largest drawing wrasslin gateway doc. That also sparked the attitude era.
plus and how the spark for every indie hero who saved wrasslin to even be.

there is no aj styles without Daniels,....period.
as you are not the man in the indies.
till you can beat Daniels.
then that rub went to aj styles.
that is the story and always been the mystique of the indies.
the indies are the indies because styles could not beat Daniels, period.
which made aj the crown jewel and impending goat from one match where he jobbed. To now,...we have indie wrasslin.
as a relevent drawing thing to even get aew.

you idiots can keep on acting like you know this shyt but you do not, period.

Moxley running around on tv with no direction.
where he was never an indie darling past even sami callahan comparably.
yet i am supposed to as a casual.
think moxley is this next thing.
or as a casual why is this guy supposed to be the guy.
moxley is the guy because on the indies.
he was the mick in wrasslin shadows equivalent misunderstood hardcore slash technical hybrid wrassler in simple gimmick. Who wore the stigma of the indies. Only to make it because he was a hair taller than the typical indie guy.
plus was booked to be a mankind like muse to cripple ache's avatar in rollins back in 2009 or so.
which also had to happen because the in house wwe attempt. to create grapplers and phase out indie wrasslin failed as well.
promotions and business's fail.
not showing how they came to be.
where if you never give light to how you came to be.
you will never be able to launch anything successfully..
nor will a relaunch of that ever work as well.
you have to tell the beginning origin premise.

the only other way is the wwf slash wwe.
which is promotion is built off of the relevant gateway boxing ring drawing misappropriated bite.
in this instance there will never be another misappropriated pop draw bite in boxing to draw from.
similar to the wwe with rocky iii.
yet in that instance.
even wwe launched the promotion in simple origin premise.from that time and space of hogan's win.
to work mechanically in premise.
simply as the tv origin of the wwf.
wwf started in basic premise like they were completely a new relaunched promotion.
when it debuted with hogan as champion. That it set a precedent with how many hogan win the title vignettes that were shown. So, you knew when and where what would become the wwf and hulkamania began. It was literally the whole show. so even there, you knew that was the beginning reason to tune in.
to watch the belt and the title holder.
with aew.

it has no origin story on tv at all.
it just comes on, and gives no insight.
to what or how in the fukk we got aew.
when there is a what, how or why we got aew.
as a matter of fact.
just in beginning premise.
Cody was not relevant.

so again.

what the fukk are you saying but agian

you do not know what the fukk you are talembout.
you nikkaz not known because you do not know the subjects period.

y'all are Kathleen Kennedy.
ol Homer designs a car and his brother approves the shyt face ass nikkaz.

no wonder y'all ain't in shyt in real life for real in nuffin grassroots at all. Not even outsider art relevant in a damn thing.
yet be talking like you know some shyt.

when it is obvious you motherfukkers do not at all.

if So,...when. You been a headliner in the under ground.
when you been the best booker in the underground by quality to your contemporaries.

who are y'all nobody ass noggaz.

y'all nobody.


y'all do nOt know the source material.
if you did .

you would be somebody.

art barr
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Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Moxley is already red hot as a face, and you don't want to turn faces if you the fans aren't making you. You want to keep rolling them out as a good guy so they can make you that money. This would be one of the dumbest booking decisions ever. Also Moxley's character has been pushed as a "lone wolf" type, so putting him in a group would immediately erase any work they've done on his persona since they started.

It will be a surprise heel debut, or a face the fans aren't sticking to, (example but not my choice: adam page)

Moxley is a tweener heel sir.
he is against the authority of the promotion.
he is playing the same stone cold meets bret hart heel character from blood stone.
in a what if both of them won.
as a matter of fact.
even his entrance music is stone cold meets bret hart.
moxley is the number one guy putting faces through barb wire weapon attacks and glass tables. putting nikkaz through barb wire chicken mesh structures. Unscathed somehow and winning.
you must not watch this shyt to think Moxley is a face.
Moxley is clearly a heel.
as a matter of fact,...
it is so wwe heel face turn.
that it emulates mankind and the rock heel turns.
As Moxley is a what if he was heel scsa and all the heel attitude era champions note for note.

art barr
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Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012

this should have been Daniels too.
instead they stole his gimmick.
instead of putting on incredible me matches with scsa.
plus, saddled scsa by force to the undertaker.
when scsa and tsker never had great matches. Not was taker capable of that as far back and known as mean mark. So instead of making a new star and really being a lainch pad for indie contractors. since the wwe could not own the fallen angel gimmick they bit it.
setting forth the wounds.
that eventually would lead to foreshadowing the end of the boom. From McMahon grandstanding past just running the promotion.

Art Barr

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
you motherfukkers do not know the source material.
just like comics, sports, film, collectibles, business, hiphop and every subforum in here.

you better go dig in the fukk'n crate.
no wonder you motherfukkers not no real headliners in a cot damn thing.
from occupation to interests.
y'all some fukk'n non-knowing losers.

if so,....tell me what and who you are.

art barr

y'all some subforum refugees.
not knowing you in a popular subforum because my real content terraformed that shyt.