I legit cried during Epilogue. B:TAS debuted on my 12th birthday, and when Epilogue hit, I thought it was a wrap for that DCAU, and my emotions was on full display
Season 3 was hit and miss, but they said "fukk it, we already served dinner and dessert, here's the post-bar breakfast"
Yo, when "The Once and Future Thing" aired, and I saw Terry interact with young Bruce, my mind couldn't handle it
Real talk, I was mad they ain't let Bruce and Diana progress. Imagine in "Epilogue" if she was there at old ass Bruce's side
Only beef I had was no more B:TAS nikkas in the cut, but The Batman and Teen Titans had an embargo on character use JL and JLU could use
The Task Force X (Suicide Squad) ep
Writing was unparallelled at the time, cuz you felt everything going on was high stakes, even in the small eps. Like in "The Greatest Story Never Told" when Booster was trying to stop that dude that was a walking black hole
"Doomsday Sanction" when Batman stopped that nuke was the gulliest Batman moment of the series
Someone continue before I breakout my boxset, when I should be cleaning