you are talking to the person who knows most about cell phones on this entire site. Embarass me

verizon for your
samsung galaxy nexus problems would be like blaming shell gas station for your toyota car problems.

imagine rolling up on shell gas station complaining your windows wont roll down. You see how fukking stupid that sounds? Thats how yall sound right now.
First of all, your analogy was doomed from the start. The process of OTA updates goes through Google, Samsung as well as Verizon before it reaches your phone. There is no comparison to be made here between OTA updates and windows not rolling down. None at all. And in case you don't believe me, read this detailed explanation on why Verizon and Sprint got the JellyBean updates late.
Go ahead and blame Verizon for a Jelly Bean-less Galaxy Nexus | Mobile - CNET News
Meaning Verizon, Samsung and Google all have a part to play in android updates. So when Verizon is actually the first network to release a Galaxy Nexus in America and the last to update to JellyBean (See:
Verizon Galaxy Nexus Officially Last Nexus to Jelly Bean), you already know that this has nothing to do with Samsung or Google and everything to do with Verizon. And in case you decide not to click my little link, let me run you the list of devices that got JellyBean before the Verizon Galaxy Nexus
Nexus 7
Asus Transformer Pad TF300
Motorola Xoom Wi-Fi version
GSM Samsung Galaxy Nexus
Sprint Samsung Galaxy Nexus
GSM Samsung Nexus S
Sprint Samsung Nexus S
GSM Samsung Galaxy S3
No excuse for every Nexus device that came out before and after the Verizon version to get updated. Now hush child and pos rep me