Man, I don't use that Dominic00n label y'all use...but seriously sometimes I just hear these sentiments and I'm like :

what's wrong with being black? Cause white people said so?
European domination, colonization, white supremacy did a number on African people's man. I wouldn't trade my blackness for the world. If people don't like it? fukk em. God made black beautiful baby.
Its sad to see young black men and women not embracing their natural beauty and falling victim to that white standard that hates their features. Really...if white is so right it wouldn't spend it's time telling everyone else how wrong they are. These kids see these anti-black sentiments perpetuated by these countries and the culture of those countries and get these ideas that they aren't good enough or whatever and that's passed on from generation to generation and it becomes destructive in so many ways.
Sometimes, I just want to just go up to young black men and women and look fine. I'm not gonna go put down another race of people to big up my own anymore...I'll take that high road.