I am not going to sit up here and act like I never did what you did because I have. Back in the day when I was an Asst. Manager for a major retail chain, I humped on a few of my subordinates. One of them mentioned that she could tell on me, if she wanted, but she didn’t.
I wasn’t making what you made at your ex job and I was going through some drama, so I didn’t care. But..when this one female employee snitched and falsely accused me of sexual harassment, then I realized that it was time to tighten up my game. From that point on, I vowed to never shyt where I eat and I haven’t done so since.
Actually, where I work now, I can fraternize with co-workers, but we have an anti sexual harassment policy, like every other place of employment, so I watch what I say and do around female co-workers. No broad is worth my job and this job is a generational type gig where it is very hard to get as well as lose(unless you do something darn near criminal).
For you..
If you gonna be stabbin’ women at work, then try to hit those who got shyt to lose! Also, have em leave paper trails, that way if they decide to tell on you, then they will go down in flames with you. Basically, protect ya neck, at all costs! Hope you get a better gig, but please use a different strategy, should you decide to personally engage with women at your future gig. Good luck!