He had a deposition in 2012. I think this when he and the real Rick Ross went to court but not sure. But they asked him the origin of his name.
The document is barely legible. But he basically says he played high school football and all the players wanted to go to the university of Miami. And since Miami played in the Big East conference, his nickname was Big East. So he says he became an all American in high school and his name changed from Big East to Big Boss. Then he says he graduated high school and by 96’ name was Rick Ross.
But they like hold up, how did it just become Rick Ross all of a sudden
Ross says a buddy thought I was saying Rick Ross instead of Big Boss

So he stuck with it and started recording music under it
But wait, it’s not over. He had Ted Lucas participating in this fukkery
So Ted Lucas testifies that he thought William stood for Rick and that Roberts stood for Ross