Right, once you see them in person, they will usually tell you why they benched you/didn't respond, once someone said:
"yeah I had to block you I got engaged". I was like but I never even called you lol -
Often "ghosting" is someone just saying "not right now", without actually saying I am fukking with someone else, and it's kinda serious, because its not "official" yet, or because she isn't sure, it leaves plausible deniability, even if both her and I know what's up
but what I tell my boys is stop all that cutsey texting, and have an invite. Let's go here. Let's hit this place. You will get your answer a lot faster, then going back and forth about nothing, and worrying why she didn't respond to your "goodnight" text within 18 minutes - all that is chump shyt honestly.
note: this only applies to people you actually know. not apps.