Hannibal Fox
So Steven Segal been in real life and death situations has a police officer and on the border patrol, been to japan learning from real martial artist,
but people are convinced he's a fraud because he never fought in a professional prize fighting situation, which martial arts isn't even designed for
Segal told Randy Couture he would fight just not on camera, which is real martial arts shyt,

Hollywood's greatest bullshyter, who shyt himself after getting choked out by Gene Lebell, what that Steven Segal, he's fake as fukk, fake Italian, fake native american, fake Japanese, Jafakean and ducked JCVD twice!
Same fool who claimed to have met with and was close to Bruce Lee and lived with/studied under Morihei Ueshiba yet O-Sensei passed in 1969, Seagal didn't visit japan until 71, Bruce Lee passed away in 73, Seagal didn't get back to the states until 74

He knows his Aikido, at least the modern variant however his demonstrations leave a lot to be desired uke's are way too compliant not enough resistance.
He was shook of Couture all that I'll fight off camera is a way to spin it when he takes the L, don't forget that RC was really military (like Seagal likes to claim he is) with a background in Greco-Roman wrestling on top of his MMA skills, who you know actually put his money where his mouth is and life on the line vs:

Yeah ok champ

Now lets deal with the whole prize fighting argument.
Tournament and by extension prizefighting is one of the oldest ways to pressure test an individual, granted there is a big difference between being prepared to meet someone on the other side of the ring/mat and a life or death situation but to dismiss it when it's as a good gauge of somebody's ability to look after themselves is ludicrous.
real martial arts fights between schools aren't recorded, martial arts is about honor and secrecy, because the secret of martial arts if that you have techniques people who aren't trained in your art are prepared for

Emin Boztepe yoking up William Cheung at a seminar recorded all the way back in 86, for the record I saw that fight in 88

Search online there are dozens of "real" fights between schools I linked that vid as it's a favorite of mine and seeing Cheung get handled never gets old, he might be full of shyt but at least he's willing to meet challengers.
Secondly it seems you have dojo yaburi, taryu-shiai and tame-shihai confused.....two are generally friendly affairs one is not, I'll let you figure out which one is which.
And the answer to the other part of that quote is:
mma ruined jiujitsu as a martial art, because it was a martial art meant from small weak people, who could defeat any larger opponent simply because they would not expect any of that shyt coming, and will be taking out quickly, well that won't work anymore, anybody if youtube can learn how to break out an armbar or stop a rear naked choke
Oh word your gonna watch a YT video and suddenly develop the skill and wherewithal to negate an armbar or rear naked choke..........applied by trained practitioners? LMAOOOOOOOO.......you then killed your own point with the following:
but you can't learn real martial arts unless you train from a real master in person
Make up your mind but please define real martial arts and real master for me please and while you are at it explain how MMA ruined Jujutsu?
yet Rogan never fought anyone in his life, he what Floyd would call a boxing groupie, but he an mma groupie, you don't see footage of him sparring nobody, I mean kevin hart look legit on the pads on his videos, doesn't mean he can beat somebody ass on the street now, anybody can hit pads, you need live rounds to commit to muscle memory so when action pop off you go instinct
now rogan can probably choke out people weaker than him or if he gets somebody by surprise, but he won't flex on a real threat
No disrespect but do you think they just hand out belts like candy with regards to BJJ, you know you have to be very proficient to even get to that level which usually means you have to compete as well as have a practical and theoretical understanding of the techniques, knowing when to apply a technique and why, thats just the tip of the iceberg though.
However hypothetical scenarios are just that..........hypothetical.