The thing is, an innocent, naive female is actually more difficult to crack than a more mature, experienced chick...if you are rich and famous that is. I naive chick doesn't care who you are and won't be as aggressive herself. You actually have to overcome her innocence. Whereas if you are rich and famous, chicks in their 20s and 30s are gonna be bussing it open left and right. And I am not sure if he's looking are her as innocent, as this was after the R. Kelly thing.
A pedophile is a person that is attracted to pre-pubescent girls that have yet to develop secondary sex characteristics. Most 16 year olds have been through puberty and are showing something.
The thing about male attraction is that it's very simple and basic. We aren't thinking about age or easiness, we just like what we see. Now after the fact those things can play a part. Even with that, I doubt she was the only attractive teenager he was ever around. If it was really like that he could have easily had one on the low or a legal one that was a year or two older and just as gullible. You see with Kellz he went from her to hanging at McDonalds and the mall to pick up some more. He was clearly targeting. If that was a thing with Timbo it would've come out in the #MeToo era or apparently he would've just came out and said it

Guys, for the most part, take what we can get. You see the average older dude messing with younger chicks and more often than not he can't get chicks his own age. That's not to say that there aren't predators that target younger women. But merely being attracted to titties and ass that happen to be on a teenage body doesn't make you that. I think we often conflate those two things.
I know chicks in their 20, 30s, shyt 40 where this applies. Does this say something about that guys that go after them? And I know 16, shyt 13 year olds that are built like grown ass women. Does that make it okay for a grown ass man to go after them? This is a very complex conversation. It goes beyond "she's this age and you are that age how can you be attracted to her". Grown men find teenage girls attractive. Always have and always will. The only reason it's not a common public thing anymore is because of the laws and the social stigma...both of which are recent developments. Dudes in their 20s (and beyond) wifing teenagers is the norm throughout history. None of us have to go very far in our family tree to find and uncle, cousin, father, grandfather that got with auntie, cousin, mom, grandma when she was 16. The thing about the scenario that you described is that it would only be considered a problem in the last 20-30 years.
This is not an endorsement. Grown men have no business messing with young girls. I just think this conversation often lack honesty, reality, and accurate definitions. Liking some 16 year old titties doesn't make you monster. Knowing she's 16 and proceeding doesn't either. But it does make you stupid and/or desperate. Now if you are only going after teenagers and doing so because they are easier to manipulate and control then yeah that makes you a monster. Already discussed the pedophile thing above.