Heavily Armed
I was circumcised, thank god.
I ain't trying to have no damn anteater
I ain't trying to have no damn anteater

I'm a kohein.
Numbers 12:12
You are not the originators. Your perverted mohels and rabbis are the leprous imitators.
Cultural appropriation only gives rise to the perception of authority. But the power is fraudelent and illusory.
The procedure you're referring to (routine hospital circumcision) does not fulfill mitzvas miloh. It is completely devoid of fulfillment/substance; just like the Moslems, who perform miloh but not pri'oh or mitzitzo.But in the real world, the average single black mother of the true sons of 3068 can no longer afford the procedure ie. they have been priced out.
Koios said:It is amazing in general that one would even have to explain this. The whole argument of the word Jew meaning "actually" and Jewish meaning "kind of, but not really" is an argument of simpletons, those who truly have no depth in their understanding of language.
So by your logic, I have no idea who Mansa Musa is, because I wasn't alive when he was alive?
Is this your argument?
Women don't turn down sex just because you're not circumcised.Well yea monkey I want my son to appeal to as many women as he possibly can
Koios said:I'm a kohein.
Hashem is the originator, and mitzitzo is an integral part of bris miloh (as proven by the law regarding tsitsin sh'einon m'akvin on Shabbat).
The procedure you're referring to (routine hospital circumcision) does not fulfill mitzvas miloh. It is completely devoid of fulfillment/substance; just like the Moslems, who perform miloh but not pri'oh or mitzitzo.
GreatestLaker said:penn and teller did an episode once on male circumcision. And they said there was a good amount of babies who ended up losing their penises after botched circumcisions.
It serves a valuable purpose. It protects the glans. Sure there can be problems, but they are rare. Would you advocate all newborns undergo an appendectomy because there can possibly be problems in the future? If anything's unnecessary, it's surgically removing an infant's body parts.It's an UNNECESSARY organ.
Malcolm SeXXX said:It serves a valuable purpose. It protects the glans.