As a Haitian that keeps up with the news. A lot of people in Haiti especially those inside the slums are living a nightmare where gangs are the rules of the lands. I have seen videos where gang members in that area he is in, have other gang members laid on the ground, guns pointed at them getting chopped up into pieces. Gang members are consistently trying to gain territory and grow.
Their are two main faction G-Pep and G-9. G-9 is primarily led by the BBQ . G-PEP has the guy that kindap the Americans. You absolutely do not want to be in G-Pep territory, they kidnap, kill and want to gain territory. G-9 mostly make business pay up to operate in areas near them and steal trucks etc. Members that are near each other are constantly in conflict. Sometime they even backstab each other.
In a region called Latibonit outside of port au prince, there are gangs just as brutal. I have seen these guys have bodies burning and chooped. The issue is that people that take arms against them end up doing the same thing to people that live in areas control by those gangs which makes matters worse. The police officers are outgun by gang members.
Politicians use police officers to protect themselves which leaves little resources for the population. Also politicians and business men are absolutely corrupt. They are the source of the issue.