"I can't use this watered down white people shampoo." - BLACK QUEEN HALSEY

Feb 5, 2016
Most IR daters male or female are c00ns and attention whores.
So it isn't blk MEN raising blk children with non-blk women. It's blk c00ns.
Very KEY difference.
This is why we got so many tragic mulattoes running around and white and non-blk chicks feeling entitled to use the n-word.

Men don't want to admit it or not, but when it comes to p*ssy your integrity is compromised. I don't trust blk men to put their culture first in face of p*ssy. And unfortunately too many c00ning examples corroborate what I feel to be true.

Women only take on the culture of the race of men who are socially considered more powerful than her own b/c it will benefit her. They will culturally appropriate to lure non-blk men in. Stick a feather in her hair, put on a kimono, listen to a lil Kodak Black and smoke your blunt, talk shyt about your women with you.
But she not giving up white privilege for you or her kids. Unfortunately dudes fall this shyt every time. When you marry non-blk, you become co-opted into their world. (Word to Kanye.) Not the other way around. Btw a lot of blk males with white females are becoming alt-right too and all of a sudden it's bootstraps talk and the like.

White women literally RAISED white supremacists and support the system b/c it benefits them. Even the sacred bond of motherhood can't make a white chick not resent you for compromising her access to privilege.You can't fukk or seed that out of her. Which is why you get so many stories like this
Does my white mom hate me? - The Race Card Project


Having white friends comes with trauma I’m not willing to deal with anymore | AFROPUNK

White Mom Furious Over Her Biracial Daughters "Black" Hairstyle - Lisa a la mode

The overwhelming majority of blk children are taught by white female teachers. Many of them are fukking blk men and that still doesn't stop them from being the first to suspend a little blk boy as soon as he breathes too hard.

Some of ya'll falling for the oldest trick in the book.

Awaits blk dudes and white trolls trying to deflect to blk women or insult me to protect the world's most protected group.

"NO! Not da white wimminz!!!":damn:

Books u got to understand its just p*ssy to a black man.

We never tooken white woman seriously and most are not even c00ning for them.

The majority of black men dating white woman getting tooken care of by them or hustling them.

If u hit hard times the quickest way on ur feet is too hustle a white chick cause they are docile woman.

The notion black men care about them is false we been fukking white woman for years with no fukks given to them.

The issue i have with black men who ir date is those who do it to try to get they kids lightskin with green eyes etc.

Those are the ones books running from they blackness and are c00ns they are going out they way not to have black kids.

Books black dudes have always treated black woman better than white.


Aug 17, 2014
First off we don't own the concept of black, we've merely decolonized the connotations being with it being a negative

and I think it says more about as a people that we've managed to put stake in our humility as a people that there are people who could very well benefit from white-passing that still want to be considered black despite all the animoisty we've faced as a people
You're right. It says to the world that black people do not value themselves highly enough to make acceptance into their group exclusive.....which ironically reinforces the stigma of being black.


Jun 12, 2015

same difference

buy black brehs
His shirt :mjlol: