The prerequisite is to get faded out of your mind then watch it. But I don't do drugs breh so I'm shyt out of luck. Maybe I can get drunk and watch it instead.
I didn't get faded to watch it
The prerequisite is to get faded out of your mind then watch it. But I don't do drugs breh so I'm shyt out of luck. Maybe I can get drunk and watch it instead.
The prerequisite is to get faded out of your mind then watch it. But I don't do drugs breh so I'm shyt out of luck. Maybe I can get drunk and watch it instead.
It ain't a fast food movie so of course it's "boring"
I been meaning to watch 2001 Space odisey. Thanks for the reminder.
I'm wondering if its anything like this movie:
Tuaminator said:Has anyone bothered with the sequel, 2010?
Should I force it or give up? Bought it a few years ago because it was supposed to be one of the best looking blu-rays out there. Thoughts and feelings are welcomed.
The prerequisite is to get faded out of your mind then watch it. But I don't do drugs breh so I'm shyt out of luck. Maybe I can get drunk and watch it instead.
you don't do drugs......but you drink alcohol.The prerequisite is to get faded out of your mind then watch it. But I don't do drugs breh so I'm shyt out of luck. Maybe I can get drunk and watch it instead.
Didn't even know there was a sequelHas anyone bothered with the sequel, 2010?
It's a real deep movie that even until recently I never grasped a hold of the entire meaning.
This is probably the best explanation of the movie I've seen (more so how it ends)
What about it made you panic?This is exactly how I experienced the movie for the first time, and it's one of the best decisions I've ever made. I almost had a panic attack though because of how profound the movie was to me while i was blazed. I just thought it was insane how Kubrick captured the beginning of mankind and then took it to the utmost future, and the cinematography bruhs...the cinematography...