I asked AI about me on thecoli

Black Mamba

Mar 11, 2022
My question
What can you tell me about the forum user “Black Mamba” on the forum www.thecoli.com

"Black Mamba" is a prominent user on the forum www.thecoli.com. They joined the forum on March 11, 2022, and have since made a significant impact with over 15,000 posts. Known for their active participation, they have garnered a substantial reputation score of 2,659 and have received 45,867 "daps" (the forum's version of likes) from other users [oai_citation:1,:mjlit: STAY WITH ME | Sports, Hip Hop & Piff - The Coli](https://www.thecoli.com/threads/mjlit-stay-with-me.1031116/) [oai_citation:2,I never played Super Mario Bros 3 | Page 3 | Sports, Hip Hop & Piff - The Coli](https://www.thecoli.com/threads/i-never-played-super-mario-bros-3.1032594/page-3) [oai_citation:3,King’s may fall in battle, but the Empire remains eternal: Your GOAT franchise Boss Angeles Lakers 2023-24 Season Thread | Page 1232 | Sports, Hip Hop & Piff - The Coli](https://www.thecoli.com/threads/kings-may-fall-in-battle-but-the-empire-remains-eternal-your-goat-franchise-boss-angeles-lakers-2023-24-season-thread.977830/page-1232).

Black Mamba frequently engages in discussions about sports, particularly the NBA and the Los Angeles Lakers, as well as various entertainment topics. Their posts often reflect a strong interest in video games and pop culture. They are known for their humor and candid opinions, making them a well-recognized figure in the community [oai_citation:4,:mjlit: STAY WITH ME | Sports, Hip Hop & Piff - The Coli](https://www.thecoli.com/threads/mjlit-stay-with-me.1031116/) [oai_citation:5,I never played Super Mario Bros 3 | Page 3 | Sports, Hip Hop & Piff - The Coli](https://www.thecoli.com/threads/i-never-played-super-mario-bros-3.1032594/page-3) [oai_citation:6,Kai really the GOAT -- Kevin Hart starring | Sports, Hip Hop & Piff - The Coli](https://www.thecoli.com/threads/kai-really-the-goat-kevin-hart-starring.1034338/).


Ethnic Vagina Finder

The Great Paper Chaser
May 4, 2012
North Jersey but I miss Cali :sadcam:
The term “Ethnic Vagina Finder” is actually a username of a member on the forum thecoli.com. This user is quite active and engages in discussions across various topics, including sports, hip-hop, and social issues. Their posts often involve commentary on social dynamics, relationships, and the culture surrounding these areas.

The Coli is a forum where members frequently use humorous and provocative usernames, and “Ethnic Vagina Finder” seems to be one such example. The user has a significant presence on the site and participates in debates, discussions, and sometimes controversial conversations. They often share their views on various topics, which can range from sports analysis to social commentary .


Black Mamba

Mar 11, 2022
What are his views on fat people and why does he uses the term “portable earthquake”

Black Mamba on The Coli has a posting style that often involves harsh and unfiltered opinions, particularly on the topic of obesity. His use of the term "portable earthquake" reflects his disdainful view of overweight individuals. This term, along with other derogatory language, underscores his belief that being overweight is a sign of poor health and personal failure. He has expressed that society should normalize fat-shaming as a means of promoting health [oai_citation:1,Man if you a portable earthquake you need to stay inside the house this summer. | Page 2 | Sports, Hip Hop & Piff - The Coli](https://www.thecoli.com/threads/man-if-you-a-portable-earthquake-you-need-to-stay-inside-the-house-this-summer.1031194/page-2) [oai_citation:2,How she get this big in 3 year's | Page 4 | Sports, Hip Hop & Piff - The Coli](https://www.thecoli.com/threads/how-she-get-this-big-in-3-years.992997/page-4) [oai_citation:3,Fat shaming needs to be the norm in society | Sports, Hip Hop & Piff - The Coli](https://www.thecoli.com/threads/fat-shaming-needs-to-be-the-norm-in-society.948979/).

His posts on the topic often include strong language and personal attacks, indicating a no-holds-barred approach to discussing weight and health. For example, he referred to overweight individuals as "portable earthquakes" and criticized what he sees as the normalization and acceptance of obesity in society [oai_citation:4,How she get this big in 3 year's | Page 4 | Sports, Hip Hop & Piff - The Coli](https://www.thecoli.com/threads/how-she-get-this-big-in-3-years.992997/page-4) [oai_citation:5,2023 going into 2024:STOP PROMOTING FAT bytchES AS THICK | Page 4 | Sports, Hip Hop & Piff - The Coli](https://www.thecoli.com/threads/2023-going-into-2024-stop-promoting-fat-bytches-as-thick.992723/page-4). These comments often spark heated debates and attract both support and backlash from other forum members.


cats rule, dogs drool
Mar 11, 2022
lmao this is bullshyt

ChatGPT said:

The rivalry between #Dogset and #Catset on The Coli is intense and humorous, with passionate arguments from both sides. Here's a snapshot of what the community thinks:

### #Dogset
- **Supporters' Arguments**: They argue that dogs are loyal, trainable, and provide better companionship. Dogs are often seen as protectors and are credited with creating a more interactive and lively household environment. Dog owners on the forum highlight that dogs can be trained to do various tricks, provide security, and are generally seen as more social animals.
- **Common Criticisms of Cats**: They often cite issues like litter box maintenance, the smell of cat urine, and the aloof nature of cats as reasons why dogs are superior pets【24†source】【26†source】.

### #Catset
- **Supporters' Arguments**: Catset advocates emphasize cats' independence, cleanliness, and low-maintenance lifestyle. Cats are praised for their ability to groom themselves, their quiet nature, and their suitability for apartment living. They also point out that cats can be very affectionate and form strong bonds with their owners.
- **Common Criticisms of Dogs**: They argue that dogs require more attention, training, and can be disruptive with their barking and need for regular outdoor activities. Some Catset members find dogs' constant need for attention and potential destructiveness as downsides compared to the more laid-back nature of cats【25†source】【26†source】.

### Overall Dynamics
- The debates are filled with humor and a sense of camaraderie despite the rivalry. Both groups enjoy playful banter and memes, making the discussions engaging for the community. The competition doesn't have a clear winner, as it's subjective and based on personal preferences and lifestyles of the users involved【24†source】【25†source】【26†source】.

Ultimately, who would win in a war between #Dogset and #Catset? It's a matter of perspective, with each set bringing valid points to the table. The fun lies in the ongoing, spirited discussions that highlight the diverse preferences within The Coli community.

ChatGPT said:

The user "boogers" on TheColi.com is an active and engaged participant in the forums, known for contributing to various discussions and threads. They interact frequently with other members, reacting to posts and sharing their opinions on diverse topics, ranging from sports and hip-hop to social issues.

For instance, in a thread about stray cats fighting, "boogers" humorously reacted to a comment about the nature of the noise the cats were making【9†source】. In another discussion about a pastor having a "first gentleman," they expressed support for people living their truth, highlighting their open-mindedness despite some conflicting feelings about the subject【11†source】. Additionally, "boogers" was involved in a thread discussing Busta Rhymes, where they engaged with the community's humorous takes on celebrity appearances【12†source】.

Overall, "boogers" appears to be a well-known member who enjoys participating in a variety of conversations and is well-received by other users on the forum.