I was in this program called CROP, mostly black kids from the entire county, getting us ready for college…at first I didn’t like it, catching the city bus at 7 am on a Saturday to sit and do sat prepIt was a church that arranged this. My dad signed me up for it.
I didn't wanna do it. I wanted to enjoy my spring break. I'm glad he pushed me to go.
It's about 60 high school kids on a bus traveling from Detroit visiting HBCUs staying in hotels for about 10 days.
We visited maybe 15 colleges. It was heavily chaperoned but you ain't stopping horny teenagers lol. We on the back of the bus wilding.
But visiting all those schools made me want to attend an HBCU
But after that it turned up…got to know alot of good ppl, got close with my female best friend there
And during the summer we went on college tours…one we went to Tuskegee, famu, was supposed to tour fsu but our bus was late af and we were off schedule, ate lunch there tho
Another year we went to the A…this was like 04 so u kno it was lit
Good times