For those of you who are staying -only
@Bless't replied to me
Please please try to get out and get some supplies today-snacks, non perishables,
Be creative, nuts, energy bars etc
Don't think that because your individual home or neighborhood
Survived fine that life is just gonna be gravy after the storm.
It's not
Many roads will be impassible
Every damn thing is gonna be closed
I'm in Houston, wasn't in a bad flood area
Stores didn't open for 2 to 3 days
The ones that did opened limited hours (like 9-3 2-6etc)
The stores that do open aren't really gonna have shyt in them
Even when stores do reopen full time they're not gonna have shyt
Trucks to resupply them can't get through.
Our stores STILL aren't completely stocked and stock from your areas
Have been diverted from your areas to ours post Harvey.
I can post pictures of empty store shelves over a week out. It's crazy
PS. Please if you can't leave check on the sick and elderly in your area

Praying for yall