(Hunter x Hunter) Watching the Chimera Ant arc for the first time :picard: UPDATE: finished #136

May 3, 2012
I just picked up Hunter x Hunter myself a couple of weeks ago ( I alternate between the anime and the manga). It's funny because I heard how great the show was for years, but I tried watching a couple of years ago and after that first episode on the boat I was like "fukk this show:childplease:", it just didn't appeal to me for some reason. But I binged watched Yu Yu Hakusho a month ago because it's the GOAT anime to me, and I decided to look for more works by Togashi afterwards. I didn't realize Togashi created Hunter x Hunter at first, so when I found out I decided to give it an extended try this time before I judge it, and now I can't put the show down. I'm at about the same point as op right now, and I gotta say, The Chimera Arc is a lot darker than I expected.
The lobotomy scene fukked me up, but Kite getting overpowered and turned into a mindless training dummy was a whole other level of dark to me. At least there is peace in death, but Kite couldn't even get that, and he would've been doomed to an eternity of that if it wasn't for circumstance. That is incredibly unsettling to me.
. Before that, Hunter x Hunter is kind of dark, but it's limited to mostly over the top gore really. But what really makes Hunter x Hunter stand out though is how well it develops it characters and villains, how it builds tension, and how it builds up anticipation to the final encounters. In terms of both, Hunter x Hunter is leagues ahead of most other shounens, and honestly, getting someone to care about a character or villain seems like the hardest thing for a writer to accomplish in any medium. Hunter x Hunter shares a lot of what made Yu Yu Hakusho great despite the settings being completely different.
Mar 16, 2013
Episode 112

This narration is so extra.
We're halfway into the episode and they're still running up the staircase :mjlol:
But the way it's narrrated and how they explain everyone's tactics and feelings is so dope that you don't even notice :wow:

Gon showed NO FEAR running up on Komugi, and I see Shoot stepping up :salute:
Killua knows his grandpappy is here too :ohlawd:

I really thought Komugi was dead for a minute. I really don't want her to die off before getting a chance to meet the main characters :to:
It's crazy to see Meruem actually showing some humanity for once :lupe:

But Youpi's transformations... :scusthov:
And the size of Pitou's legs when it jumped :scust:

Episode 113

My G's are blasting :wow:
I'm really hoping all of these dudes come back alive. Knowing Togashi at this point, they probably won't...

Killua caught himself unconsciously going to save palm before he turned back. The way he murked those Chimera ants :banderas:
I'm scared for Ikalgo though. Welfin has him figured out and I don't see Ikalgo being strong enough to take Cheetu in a straight up fight. :lupe:
Is Morel ready to take on Pouf by himself?
Speaking of which, Pouf is MAD jealous of the king... it's always the :wrist: villains you've gotta watch out for.
I can't believe that only 30 seconds have passed on the show over these last two episodes, y'all!

Episode 114

Lowkey, this arc turned Gon into a sociopath... his bloodlust and thirst for revenge is on another level at this point :picard:

Shoot was really about the business all along, I was wrong about this guy for sure.
I really thought he was done for a second watching this episode... I'm on the edge of my seat :sadcam:
Knuckle :wow:
Mar 16, 2013
Episode 115

Don't die, Shoot :mjcry:

:dead: @ Knuckle's super Mario jump after taunting Youpi, lol.

Meleron's making more Metal Gear Solid moves in this episode... dude just barely avoided getting caught.

Ikalgo got lucky, this wolf is so paranoid there's not telling whether whose side he'll take.

So Killua's gramps is just gonna bounce just like that :ehh:

Gon, don't be an idiot and try to murk Pitou before Komugi is healed :sadcam:

Episode 116


Gon's demonic obsession with revenge is on the edge of getting innocents killed, messing up his friendship with Killua, and ruining their chance to save Kite.
"You have it easy, Killua."
Gon's words were so demon-possesed and full of hatred.

It's so demonic, friends. :sitdown:

Episode 117

Cheetu didn't know who he was messing with...
The way he got the back of his skull punched out :banderas:

Silva insta-sonned him like "GET this weak trash outta here" :camby:

Meleoron is the homie :salute:

Knuckle is busting back for the sake of his and Shoot's pride... I hope it doesn't get them killed though :lupe:

Episode 118

KILLUA WITH THE SAVE :banderas: :banderas: :banderas:
I really thought it was a wrap for Knuckle, too. :whew:


Episode 119

Killua's coming out with Ultra Instinct before there was an Ultra Instinct :wow:

Shout-outs to the octopus for setting traps and trying to keep that crawfish from breaking out.
Ikalgo McClane :salute:

Dude was SMART, too. Closing off the doors to trap him, using the armored vehicle to make the enemy think there were multiple people after him, cutting off his escape routes, using the smoke/fire to hide his escape, etc.
Ikalgo Snake didn't kill him in the end, but that's alright. He values life :jawalrus:

I respect it :obama:

On a side note, Shoot's damage to Youpi disappeared. Is he still alive? :lupe:

Episode 120

That :wrist: butterfly dude took Morel's pipe and threw it out... this is bad. How are Morel and Knuckle going to beat Youpi now?

And Bizeff is screwed. I doubt he has any real treasure like that, and if these chimera ants don't eat him, he'll have to answer to world leaders all over the globe and probably go to jail for life.

That coc00n is Palm, isn't it? :to:


Episode 121

Gon has officially lost it. Really hoping he gets his sanity back before Komugi becomes collateral.

NO, NOT MOREL :sadcam:

...that was tense. Knuckle sacrificed their chance to beat Youpi, but at least Morel is still alive :mjcry:
Knov looks more and more :flabbynsick: every time I see him :mjtf:

It's interesting, Youpi started off as a meathead, but he's been getting smarter and smarter over the course of the storyline :ohhh:

...anyhow, that leaves Gon, Killua, Knuckle, Ikalgo, and Meleoron.


Episode 122

That FIRST HAND :whoo:

Pouf is still making moves. Other than that, I don't have much to say about this episode.

Meruem is still more demonic than I thought ( :sitdown: )
"There are some humans worth keeping alive" :huhldup:

Episode 123

OH SNAP that dude Welfin is here... Ikalgo's busting back though :salute:
He was READY to die :wow:

Those centipedes had me shook, too... you had their legs and fangs poking out of my boy's skull :merchant:
Yet and still he was making the :birdman: face the whole time...

Welfin's backstory though :to:
They brought EVERYTHING back to GYRO :ohlawd:

So much character development in one episode. Welfin's whole perspective on EVERYTHING is switching up... :mjcry:
Welfin was real with someone for the first time in his life :wow:

Palm though :picard:

Episode 124

Man, I'm really feeling for Killua right now :mjcry:
When is Gon going to go back to being himself? I don't like what's happening to my guy :mjcry:
It sucks that Palm got caught, but at least she's still herself for the most part. :whew:

She's saner and more compassionate as a chimera ant than she was as a human :dwillhuh:
Is Pouf about to turn on the rest of the Royal Guard?

Episode 125

I just want Komugi to live, y'all :mjcry:

Wait, Netero's coming through with that 99TH HAND!? :whoo:

Out here with that E. Honda Hundred-hand slap :wow:

:mjlol: @ that heart pose that Netero was making at the end though :bryan:

EDIT (since I'm not trying to get in trouble with the mods for triple posting):

Episode 126

Meruem's out here bouncing all around the walls like Vega from Street Fighter
...and Netero with the hands :ohlawd:

The animation :banderas:
The buildup :banderas:
The strategy :banderas:
The shine :banderas:




This isn't looking good... he's :flabbynsick: with half his limbs ripped off and this dude Meruem is barely scratched--DAWGS.





Episode 127

Killua, Ikalgo, Knuckle, Meleoron, and Palm are still in the fight. Squad goals :salute:
Gon is still a demon :whoa:

At least Komugi is alive :obama:

Dang, Meruem got messed ALL the way up after Neterou's sacrifice. I can't see any other way they could beat someone that powerful if this doesn't work though :lupe:

Episode 128

Pouf feeding himself to the king :dame:

Youpi feeding the king his liquid cells :dame:

Meruem saying it tastes heavenly :dame:

Pouf rushing to kill a young girl so another man won't remember her :dame:

Pouf and Youpi might as well call that man daddy :dame:

...This ain't Harlem x Harlem, that's for sure.

Episode 129

I love how there's levels to the strategy and the planning on this show.
The way they figured out that Komugi was the enemy's target :wow:

Killua bringing back those electric ultra instinct moves :wow:

I can see why Killua is the fan favorite of the main four. Gon became too much of a revenge-obsessed demon, Kurapika was dope in Yorknew but is mostly irrelevant elsewhere, and poor Leorio is just underwritten in general. I don't think he ever had a proper fight. I wish they would use him more.

Episode 130

So Kite is officially Rest in Peace. :mjcry:

This is bad... Gon's gonna snap.

Just crossing my fingers that Komugi, Meleoron, et al make it through. :whew:

Episode 131

So basically, Pouf tricked Pitou into thinking that he's got Komugi so that she won't have a hostage situation to worry about, and won't have any problem killing Gon.
Speaking of whom, this dude just turned into a GROWN JOJO CHARACTER :dwillhuh:

"His power... is equal to that of the king" :picard:

I wasn't expecting this fight to be so one-sided. This dude Gon crushed Pitou's skull like Wilson Fisk did that one dude in Daredevil.
And the feels with Killua and Gon in the end...


I can't feel anything anymore watching this show, y'all. I just can't :mjcry:

Episode 132


pleasedon'tdiepleasedon'tdiepleasedon'tdiepleasedon'tdiepleasedon'tdiepleasedon'tdiepleasedon'tdiepleasedon'tdiepleasedon'tdiepleasedon'tdie :sadcam:

Somebody needs to murk Pouf already :pacspit:
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Mar 16, 2013
Okay, I'm officially done with the Chimera Ant arc. :whew:
@42 Monks
Sorry for the triple post mods :mjcry:

Episode 133

Ikalgo and Welfin were boys before they got turned into chimera ants!? :ohh:

Anyhow, Welfin got stopped by Youpi, only for Youpi to drop dead on the spot in the middle of their fight.
Youpi was interesting. He was a straight up meathead in the beginning but started learning how to fight smart. He was on the edge of figuring out things like honor and compassion but couldn't quite understand it. RIP.

Episode 134

I was SCARED for Welfin, y'all. I really thought he was gonna get his brains eaten out by the King. Lucky for him he's softened up with the revelation that Neterou's bomb was poisonous.
He doesn't even care about really murking people like that or instilling fear anymore.

I suppose it just goes to show that spending time with the people you care about is what matters most. :to:

:mjlol: at Pouf desperately hoping for Pitou to show up, not knowing that Pitou got beaten to a pulp and brutally killed :picard:
That mess was worse than Videl getting beaten down by Spopovich. I mean, Gon beat the DOG MESS out of Pitou. Just imagine a dog hunched over in the middle of a sidewalk dropping turds on a summer afternoon. Sun blazing, the pavement so hot it'll burn your feet. It was THAT bad. :picard: Pitou got the pavement fried, sidewalk sauteed DOG MESS beaten out of it like it was nothing :wow:

:mjlol: @ Morel sonning those suits at the Hunter Association.
He ain't letting those "house" hunters give "field" hunters any orders :birdman:

Episode 135

Pouf dropped dead offscreen. Drowned in a pile of his own blood, draws, and vomit like his whole existence never meant anything :picard:

So the real dictator was off chilling on a farm somewhere like Thanos at the end of Infinity War the whole time. :heh:

Is Bizeff still alive? :dwillhuh:

But the King... :mjcry: I never felt this way for an antagonist/villain before.
This fool Meruem came back from the brink and could have murked everyone.
He knew his time was limited with that poison though. He started seeing the light on some Roy Batty, Blade Runner type of stuff. :ohh:

At that point, ruling the world didn't matter. He just wanted to spend his final moments boo'd up with his snot-nosed waifu playing board games.
She was willing to die with him, too :mjcry:

Genocidal chimera ant dictators need love too, y'all :wow:

Episode 136

Bizeff survived :dwillhuh:
I guess he'll be walking the earth with Hina and :flabbynsick: Welfin from now on.

So that ant girl was Reina the whole time!? She came home, y'all :to:
Her brother was obviously Kurt, too. So they got messed up in the beginning, but ultimately turned out to be okay.

I remember how :picard: watching them get eaten in the beginning too...

KITE LIVES :krs: :krs: :krs:

What's gonna happen to Gon though :lupe:


Jun 16, 2014
The Bay Area
Okay, I'm officially done with the Chimera Ant arc. :whew:
@42 Monks
Sorry for the triple post mods :mjcry:

Episode 133

Ikalgo and Welfin were boys before they got turned into chimera ants!? :ohh:

Anyhow, Welfin got stopped by Youpi, only for Youpi to drop dead on the spot in the middle of their fight.
Youpi was interesting. He was a straight up meathead in the beginning but started learning how to fight smart. He was on the edge of figuring out things like honor and compassion but couldn't quite understand it. RIP.

Episode 134

I was SCARED for Welfin, y'all. I really thought he was gonna get his brains eaten out by the King. Lucky for him he's softened up with the revelation that Neterou's bomb was poisonous.
He doesn't even care about really murking people like that or instilling fear anymore.

I suppose it just goes to show that spending time with the people you care about is what matters most. :to:

:mjlol: at Pouf desperately hoping for Pitou to show up, not knowing that Pitou got beaten to a pulp and brutally killed :picard:
That mess was worse than Videl getting beaten down by Spopovich. I mean, Gon beat the DOG MESS out of Pitou. Just imagine a dog hunched over in the middle of a sidewalk dropping turds on a summer afternoon. Sun blazing, the pavement so hot it'll burn your feet. It was THAT bad. :picard: Pitou got the pavement fried, sidewalk sauteed DOG MESS beaten out of it like it was nothing :wow:

:mjlol: @ Morel sonning those suits at the Hunter Association.
He ain't letting those "house" hunters give "field" hunters any orders :birdman:

Episode 135

Pouf dropped dead offscreen. Drowned in a pile of his own blood, draws, and vomit like his whole existence never meant anything :picard:

So the real dictator was off chilling on a farm somewhere like Thanos at the end of Infinity War the whole time. :heh:

Is Bizeff still alive? :dwillhuh:

But the King... :mjcry: I never felt this way for an antagonist/villain before.
This fool Meruem came back from the brink and could have murked everyone.
He knew his time was limited with that poison though. He started seeing the light on some Roy Batty, Blade Runner type of stuff. :ohh:

At that point, ruling the world didn't matter. He just wanted to spend his final moments boo'd up with his snot-nosed waifu playing board games.
She was willing to die with him, too :mjcry:

Genocidal chimera ant dictators need love too, y'all :wow:

Episode 136

Bizeff survived :dwillhuh:
I guess he'll be walking the earth with Hina and :flabbynsick: Welfin from now on.

So that ant girl was Reina the whole time!? She came home, y'all :to:
Her brother was obviously Kurt, too. So they got messed up in the beginning, but ultimately turned out to be okay.

I remember how :picard: watching them get eaten in the beginning too...

KITE LIVES :krs: :krs: :krs:

What's gonna happen to Gon though :lupe:

Gon and Netero really showed in their last big fights how much of a dawg a true hunter is both of them went truly :demonic:on the King and Pituo.


May 11, 2012
East ATL
Just finished the arc, I wanted it to end in a duel to the death but I understand how it ended the way it did so i'm not mad. About to finish the whole series next.

Kinda funny that they could've just called up the Zodiacs to end the arc real quick though or ole boy's grandpa & pops :russ:


Jul 5, 2012
Yorknew city ark>>>>Chimara Ant arc.

I just preferred the danger and tension and realness of the yorknew arc. Chimara arc was dragged a bit and the fights imo didn’t live up to expectations. I do like the character developments and emotion is the arc though.
Mar 16, 2013
Just finished the arc, I wanted it to end in a duel to the death but I understand how it ended the way it did so i'm not mad. About to finish the whole series next.

Kinda funny that they could've just called up the Zodiacs to end the arc real quick though or ole boy's grandpa & pops :russ:


The way Killua's pops sonned Cheetu was legendary :banderas:
He wasn't ready for that smoke!