Hulk Hogan booed out the building on Netflix RAW debut


We Are NXT!
Jun 16, 2013
The NXT Universe
That Daily Mail scoop is either ducktales or his camp being more delousional

He has real go away heat overall and he hasnt done everything that you shouldnt do to rehab your image.
It's his camp being delusional. I heard more from them in that Whatculture news video posted here and it's straight comedy. 😄


Valar Morghulis
Feb 10, 2017
Baltimore, MD / Charlotte, NC
Hogan about to recreate this shytty Learning Tree gimmick Jericho is running with :mjlol:


Mike the Executioner

What went on up there? Poppers and weird sex!
Sep 10, 2015
Brooklyn, New York
People keep saying it's because it's in Los Angeles, but Undertaker and Triple H are MAGA as well and got cheered. People are just tired of HOEgan. From the racism to his various lies he told over the decades being exposed, people don't fukk with Hogan anymore.

I don't even know why they brought Hogan out since the bulk of Raw's existence, he was either in WCW, TNA, or not involved in wrestling. What memorable moments does Hogan have on Monday Night Raw?

Not on RAW, but it's arguably his most memorable moment on WWE television:


Reality Check

Keepin' it 100
May 2, 2012
In 5 years, Hoegan's gonna have a legendary lie about this moment :wow:

Interviewer: There's a lot of controversy around your appearance on Raw's Netflix debut. Can you take us through what you were thinking?

Hoegan: Brother, that was a wild night. I'm going to give you the God's Honest Truth about that night because the media has put their own spin on what happened. Before I walked out there on that night in front of 47,000 Hulkamaniacs at the Intuit Dome, the only thing I could think of is what my good friend Tupac told me when I visited him in Las Vegas at the hospital. He said to me "Hulk, Do not let these kids down. You gotta keep your sense of humor, You gotta be able to smile through all this bullshyt."

So when me and Jimmy Hart walk out there and "Real American" is blasting, I'm cutting this promo and right from the jump, I knew something was off. I'm cutting this promo and you can see brother that I hesitated at one point for half a second. At that moment, I realized that I'm wearing a Black and White shirt, and not the Red and Yellow. It dawned on me that these people booing me aren't booing me personally, they're booing Hollywood Hogan for cutting a babyface promo. Being the professional I am, I finish the promo and head back to check in on the boys. I run into Logan Paul, and he shocked me with what he said. He told me "I love you Hulk, but it's Dry January. You're pitching the best beer I've ever had when all these Hulkamaniacs out there are trying to be healthy this month." I never heard of Dry January before, and after speaking with Hunter and Big Nick Khan, they apologized for the timing of the announcement of the Real American Beer sponsorship. I'm gracious that they recognized the mistake they made and we were able to move on from that.

(1 year Later)

: A lot of people remember the Netflix debut of RAW for the reception you received when you came out to promote your line beer. In hindsight, do you regret agreeing to the appearance?

Hoegan: Brother, I have no regrets about that night. Many people don't know what really went down but right here and now, I'm going to give you the God's Honest Truth.

I'm prepping myself mentally to go out there in front of 53,000 insane Hulkamaniacs at the SoFi Dome. I thought Hulkamania was crazy, but Netflixamania was a whole other level dude. I calmed myself, reminding me what one of my best friends Biggie Smalls said when I visited him in the hospital in LA right before he passed. He told me "Only make moves when your heart's in it, and live the phrase, Sky's The Limit."

Right before I go out, and this is during a commercial break, the Big Dog himself Roman Reigns walked past me to go out. I have no idea what he's doing, but when he walked back, he thanked me for everything I did in this business and helping out his family in the ring. So I go out there and cut this promo, and I'm hearing boos, which really surprised me brother because I was there to promote the best beer on the market. When I made my way to the back, Roman stops me and tells me "They weren't booing you Hulkster, I let them know you are an honorary Uce and to give you a warm welcome." It was a gracious gesture Roman made for me and I'll never forget it.
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Love Sosa

Feb 25, 2014
You just gotta think the age demo and about how much time has passed since Hogans time. These fans (parents and kids) didn’t grow up with Superman Hulk Hogan, they grew up with TMZ Hogan. There’s hour long YouTube compilations of Hulktales. Adults in the audience grew up with Austin/Rock and the kids grew up with Cena and Cody.