No it's not. Prices have soared.
No legislation on:
Voting rights
Police reform
Minimum wage
In the first year of his presidency with the filibuster in place? You can't be serious. I agree that voting rights was the most important front to tackle after getting a handle on the pandemic but they went for the legislation that they felt would have the most immediate impact; something that the progressive caucus and leadership agreed with.
You're not getting police reform of any kind any time soon with crime up during the pandemic and while the minor reforms at the state level are slowly getting reversed.
You can't do pandemic relief and minimum wage at the same time when you're trying to make portions of that financial relief permanent.
In what world has a president ever passed everything on the platform in which he ran in the first year?
Sinema and Manchin
Meanwhile, scotus lays waste to various rights, the GOP moves around unscathed,....
How is SCOTUS and GOP movement on Biden?
His presidency will go down as worse than Carter and imo he's been just as bad as Trump getting policies passed. He'll be known as the POTUS that let democracy cripple while fascism rises.
Again, hyperbolic. BIF and Pandemic relief alone were major legislative wins that beat out anything Trump did in 4 years.
There is plenty to fault Biden for but at 1 year in, these wild ass conclusions about his legacy and where we go from here are nonsensical.
The real test of how the remainder of his presidency shakes out, is how his administration will handle the midterm year. Are they going to pivot full press to voting rights and filibuster rule changes to get that voting rights legislation passed or are they going waste the 1Q on the BBB? Are they going to extend a lot of these hot topics like student loan debt reform/cancelation until Jan after midterms so they can run it in the midterms? Are they going to ensure that the debt ceiling limit expires after the next general so that the R's can't tank the economy in '23 to run against the D's in '24?
A lot of us didn't want Biden but understood why we were giving him our vote. We knew he was a moderate and that wasn't going to change. So he's either a transitional president so the torch gets passed or he comes back for a second term to a stronger progressive caucus and democratic voters showing up for substantial change in all elections.