Crypto regulation is a bad thing?
They provided 25 billion in rent relief available for landlords and renters
They tried they’re best to get this passed. It couldn’t be put into reconciliation because it’s not a budget act. In the end it has worked itself out because minimum wages have been forced to rise due to economic pressure
No one promised this
No one promised court expansion. Biden has been filling vacancies at a rapid pace
No one promised Medicare for all. Obamacare is damn near free thanks to the budget recon deal
Infrastructure bill will have atleast 75 to mordernize the us electrical grid to renewable energy
Keep pretending like y’all care about the border, ok
Keystone pipeline was Abandoned and billions will be allocated in the infrastructure bill to move us from oil dependency
Student loan repayment is still paused until Oct 1st. Over a year with no payments. Or 100% of your payment going directly to principal. Now if you didn’t take advantage of that STIMULUS then I don’t know what to tell you
“No pandemic plan”

a jab that removes the risk of being exposed to Covid are FREE and AVAILABLE everywhere