well she is 76 and is going back to prison for taking a computer class.
I have no issue with her serving time for selling heroin. I have a huge problem with the overreach of law enforcement on matters like that. People get released from prison yet are still living as if they are in prison. Her going back to prison happens to black men. who get parole violations for bullshyt as well. I am not surprised you don't see the connection and even less surprised that you celebrated it.
She was so only out of jail because of covid. Her sentence wasn't almost up and she was going to go back.
She's back because she violated the terms of her ankle monitor. Anyone who had ever been on supervised leave knows this and agreed to those terms when they were let out.
Ahh, once again the "you are an immigrant" bullshyt based on your imagination. This is that TLR heat.
Your views are more aligned with suburban whites than you believe.
No I'm souther black male whose families have dealt with generations of racism and slavery.
I'm not naive enough to believe that America's class and race issue are on the same page. Further ro know that people who are suffering benefit from some relief instead of waiting for a perfect solution.
Things I support:
Universal Healthcare via a public options.
Increased taxes on corporations and shoring up loop holes.
Making sure the wealthy pay a higher effective tax rate than they currently are.
Increasing funding in our failing education system.
Providing free public college for all Americans.
Universal paid time off for child birth.
Investments in supplemental childcare.
Universal broadband.
Fixing zoning issues that lead to increased housing costs.
Support for workers to unionize.
Increased minimum wage.
Decriminalization of nonviolent drug offenses.
Increased mental health programs.
Boyer reform that makes it easier than vote.
Election day as a federal holiday.
Police oversight boards that allow review periods prior to hiring.
Removal of the filibuster.
But please continue with your strawman. Because I actually work with black people for black issues that have causes black changes and even posts what I've done.
So I'm not listening to a little bytch ass old nikka who can't even go outside and fight for tell me shyt.